Lantessama Isle - Nekrat Records

[Clutch 1-5] [2021] [2022] [2023] [2024] [2025]


9. Deep Sea Mazorun and Swamp Tazrin

Swim Story

Hatching Story

4 hatched


Orome (f) and Lake Zuriya (f)
Lief (f) and Pond Beroul (f)
Shunki (m) and Fountain Lizaro (m)
Tazah (nb) and Well Urquar (m)

Valentine Festival - Love Coral Clutch


Hatching Story

16 hatched


Almae Sabu (f) and roughened Red Gonia (f)
Icar Blundyth (m) and frosted Red Pennatu (m)
(f) and Orange Nephtya (f)
Lothan (m) and roughened Yellow Porit (m)
Xiadani (nb) and White Actinir (f)
Rayen (m) and cracked Green Atygyr (m)
Vioq Raum (m) and frosted Blue Giidae (m)
Lehua Tempestweaver (f) and swirled Indigo Tumusi (f)
Nestor (m) and frosted Purple Virgul (m)
Unagi (f) and Violet Cillopor (m)
Lubomir (m) and swirled Violet Coerulia (f)
Spemomac (nb) and cracked Rose Leptogor (m)
Tinnin (f) and swirled Pink Meandrina (f)


roughened Pink Cervicor (m) and cracked Red Acropora (f) to Belang & Bexez'Rodu
Purple Gricia (f) to
Vioq Raum (Five Hills Island)

10. Blue-Grey Guianeth and Puddle Drizs

Swim Story

Hatching Story

11 hatched


Vaitiare (f) and White-Green (Foam) Oskath (f)
Talyah (f) and Grey-Green (Swamp) Cerudith (f)
Vashal (m) and Black-Green (Seaweed) Antiquariath (f)
Ripple Sonoma (f) and White-Blue (Lake) Lachth (m)
Trikimatureth (nb) and Grey-Blue (Deep Sea) Tintenth (f)
Kaladri (f) and Black-Blue (Abyss) Guirdith (m)
Sumisu (m) and White-Red (Fountain) Yuusenth (m)
Ostren Veldam (m) and Black-Brown (Rock) Ugiskth (m)
Munfou (m) and Grey-Bronze (Puddle) Sanuith (m)
Fiyra (f) and White-Gold (Sand) Maegolth (f)
Herberto Silvestre (m) and Black-White (Storm) Weerlegth (m)

11. Foam Aesha and Fountain Lizaro

Swim Story

Hatching Story

4 hatched


Viale (f) and Wave Rendiule (f)
Idris (m) and Lake Danyron (m)
Korgym (m) and Pebble Kivara (f)
Calamare Pudor (f) and Coral Gernoht (m)

12. Pond Beroul and Rust Moeomth

Swim Story

Hatching Story

11 hatched


Caprice (f) and Cloud Wolketh (m) -sponsor
Uor (m) and Moon  Kirnath (m)
Pashepe (nb) and Deep Sea Atmaul (f)
Zashiki (f) and Wave Ronswul (f)
Pool Ophroul (f) - sponsor
Kamala (f) and Foam Itriul (f)
Litus (m) and Swamp Mohaul (f)
Krizuk (m) and Metal Ersth (m)
Sleetch (m) and Puddle Drabul (f)
Iqaluk (f) and Heather Quizith (m)
Thistle Dimsith (m) - sponsor

13. Sand Wamid and Lake Volludh

Swim Story

Hatching Story

4 hatched


Rakh Filidegembira (m) and Wave Otkhul (m) & Foam Prayid (m)
Tammu (f) and Seaweed Gahshani (f)
Nikoko (m) and Swamp Jimwul (m)