Deep Sea Mazorun & Swamp Tazrin

The young woman that had once been a temple dancer, not much more than a glorified slave, marvelled at how her life had changed as she was standing waist-deep in water. Hanari had not looked back after she'd grabbed Nyaka's hand. Both their lives could have taken an ugly turn. Even his family could have been punished for having him help her escape her fate. But luckily things had worked out and they were now living together at Dawn Cove and safe from persecution by their unique companions. 
"I won't let anything happen to you." Mazorun told her bond.
"I don't have much to fear here." Hanari smiled.
She wasn't even on the same world as where her story had started. After Mazorun and Tazrin's eggs hatched they would return to Gremyne but in the meantime they'd enjoyed the vacation. 
"It won't be much longer now." Tazrin said, his olive green head popping out of the water not too far from them.
Nyaka, Tazrin's bond and a former cattle-boy, was sitting on the beach. His bond was right, there were unusual tremors in the water that were a telltale sign that the eggs were rocking and getting ready to hatch. 
"I'll go warn the candidates." he told the others and rushed toward the nearest officials, followed by the low hum as the draconic message rushed forward as well. 
It didn't take long for the handful of candidates to appear. Mazorun's clutch was small at 4 eggs but all of her offspring would be healthy and large judging by the size of the eggs. For this clutch two people from Dawn Cove had been chosen to try and impress and four mer-people had been found by word of mouth. The mer-people were the first to arrive, benefiting from the currents and their easy sea-access from the northern sea-level living areas. Orome and Tazah were dark-skinned but that's where the comparison stopped.  They came from completely different places in the Nexus. Orome hailed from the Refugium and had found her way to Lantessama because some of her friends had impressed at previous clutches. Tazah's friends Vashal and Idris were lighter-coloured mers but equally impressive in looks. The three of them had come from the Oceans on Planet Kynn and also knew Lantessama by word of mouth. Lief and Shunki arrived a little later from the roads as they'd been stationed more central to the island. They would leave with Hanari and Nyaka right after the hatching and if they bonded would raise the kittens in the Dawn Cove settlement. 
Another half an hour later had the first egg hatch. The clear blue hatchling female swam fast and skimmed the sand to fleck off any leftover shell before she hurried to Orome and said:
"I want to look my best to meet you. My name is Zuriya."
Two other eggs hatched in rapid succession. A purple an red male appeared in the clear waters before their movements stirred up the sand and obscured the view. Only seconds later though the purple well appeared next to Tazah and asked:
"Can I come with you? I will be good... most of the time."
Which caused the Dahkala to chuckle and say: "Sure Urquar."
The red fountain meanwhile had reached the shore and made googly eyes at Shunki: 
"Do you think they'll like me?" he asked, hinting at Shunki's girlfriend and her bond who had already left Lantessama.
"Why wouldn't they, Lizaro? You look amazing."
The last egg seemed to have waited and only hatched after the sediment had settled. When it finally popped, a bright green female flipped her tail out of the water. She too headed for the shore, leaving the two waiting mers to wait for a future clutch, choosing to go to the human nurse instead.
"I'd like to learn more." she told Lief, "You can call me Beroul."
"Just ask me what you want to know and I'll try to give you an answer." the woman replied.
As the new pairs headed out to eat and make arrangements for their future, the sun shone brightly in the sky, a good omen for what was to come.

Orome (f) and Lake Zuriya (f)
Lief (f) and Pond Beroul (f)
Shunki (m) and Fountain Lizaro (m)
Tazah (nb) and Well Urquar (m)

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