
Here are all the eggs listed for Dawn castle. If you want to know how the other castles are doing, you should check the Genealogy

Clutch 6
Forest Parixha and Night Daiisdu
3 eggs, 3 hatched: 1 male & 2 female

Calc (f) wind Berduha (f)
Donatello (m) earth Ijhadu (m)
Sivi (f) forest Riduha (f)

Clutch 7
Water Qiklenar & Mud Loerisph
Clutchstory -- Hatching
3 eggs, 3 hatched: 1 male & 2 female

Kherol (m) desert Lunarph (m)
Yr (f) earth Ozphar (f)
Tanguy (m) water Virphar (f)

Clutch 8
Ore Leeyawsh & Mud Modnaen
Clutchstory -- Hatching
3 eggs, 3 hatched: 2 male & 1 female

Stan (m) earth Flensh (f)
Eivor Dacia (f) day Jinshen (m)
Ondine (f) fire Xushen (m)

Clutch 9
??? and ???
Clutchstory -- Hatching
? eggs, ? hatched: ? male & ? female

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Clutch 10
??? and ???
Clutchstory -- Hatching
? eggs, ? hatched: ? male & ? female

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