Clutching Story
A pair of young knights greet you as you step away to
explore. Lythia seems quite fatigued and preoccupied
with what's happening behind the closed doors but as is customary on Icarus,
no-one is allowed entrance into the true deep cavern. Not even a fretful
She is supported by her lover Maikus who looks far less
worried and his drak, Mud Modnaen who is keeping watch over the people
"If you'd like to try to pair, feel free to look for one of
the judges." Maikus says, though it feels as an automated message while he
is tending to his girlfriend.
It's hot and
humid, a day where the appeal of the beach and the sea is near impossible to
resist. Which is why most of Dawn Castle is down by the water when the mud
drak flies over calling:
"Head to the Deep Cavern! Aspirants get ready!"
Some scramble to comply, others head out more reluctantly and a few opt to
stay in the water alltogether, figuring the mother of the clutch is probably
going to join them later anyway.
The three aspirants that have been judged for this clutch are amond the
first to reach the deep cavern rooms. The atmosphere feels heavy with the
smells of soil and greenery heavy in the air. The structure is open plan but
without a sea breeze it really only serves to trap the heat. Before long
though, some pirates are manning a contraption with mounted fans that helps
cool down the area.
Eivor, tanned with long blue hair, is not bothered by the humidity. She
feels nervous about being so close to so many humans and draks. She is
neither and both and then something. She just hopes she'll be succesful on
her first attempt at pairing.
Stan, a runic warrior has been through these ceremonies before. Many would
have given up and none would have judged him because of it, but Stan is
stubborn and he'll pair a drak if it's the last thing he does.
Ondine is already creating some lyrics to voice her impressions. The music
will come later but it will be chaotic and busy. Her thoughts are scrambling
to keep up until it all comes to a sudden stop.
The doors to the Deep Cavern open and out steps the silver and gold-coloured
drak. Three draklings trail out behind her. A bright, feisty fire, an
excited, happy day and an unassuming, stoic earth.
"Thank you for coming." Leeyawsh proclaims,
"I suggest we make this snappy as we're all ready to go back to the beach."
She then turns to her children and says: "Go mingle
and choose wisely."
The draklings look at eachother for an instant and then each heads toward
one of the three aspirants as if their choice was made long ago.
"I hope you're not bothere by a little heat."
the fire drakling tells Ondine, "My name is Xushen and
I can take on anything!"
"Look at him boast." the earth drakling addresses Stan,
"Slow and steady is the way to go. You seem like just
my kind of guy. neat and tidy. You may call me Flensh."
The last drakling, a day male, sat down next to Eivor and added:
"I wouldn't mind a little dip in the sea. Could you
teach me to swim? I couldn't exactly practice while in the deep cavern, all
we had was sand."
Then he remembered: "Oh, I'm Jinshen, Eivekor."
& Mud
(m) & earth Flensh (f)
Eivor Dacia (f) & day Jinshen (m)
Ondine (f) &
fire Xushen (m)

(m) & earth Flensh (f) - trained by
Wim & Mud Fregiki (Knight Training)

Eivor Dacia (f) & day Jinshen (m)
- trained by Hael & Night Luïkios
(Knight and Medic Training)

Ondine (f) &
fire Xushen (m) - trained by
Caylea & Wind Hyenna (Knight training)