Clutching Story
fierce warrior lady nearly denies you access to the general area though the
high princes had told you that it was okay to come there. The woman looks
menacing though, with long black hair and narrow eyes.
"Halt!" she roars.
You stop in your tracks, frozen.
"No-one can disturb Water Qiklenar and her knight Ruth."
In the background, a large mud dragon stands guard at the door that leads to
the room where the eggs are kept. He makes a noise somewhere between a sigh
and a snort and adds:
"But you're welcome to add your name to the
list of aspirants. It's over there."
Loerisph had sensed the change behind the doors. For a couple of days more
sounds had reached his ears and though he'd wished to join his mate Qiklenar
and their first offspring, he'd stood guard to keep all of them safe as was
his duty.
Luckily, his mate was not one to waste time or to keep everyone waiting.
Because just then, he could hear her voice calling him to round up the
aspirants. Within an hour people had flooded to the breezy cool structure
that housed the deep cavern. Three aspirants: a deputy, a warrior and a
Castle-born youth stood front and center while the people behind them were
talking merrily about what was to come.
Qiklenar pushed open the doors and Loerisph held his breath as he was the
first to see the three draklings that followed her out. He rejoiced in
seeing that all his children had the browns and blues that had come from
their parents. There was one deep blue female water, one bright white and
brown female earth and last a sandy brown male desert. All of them were
healthy and on the larger side as well as well-behaved and quiet.
Pride bloomed in his chest as Qiklenar announced their children:
"I present you with our daughters Ozphar and
Virphar and our son Lunarph."
Then Qiklenar took a step back and gave an encouraging nod to the three
draklings. None of them seemed to be in a hurry. But finally it was the
earth female, Ozphar, who approached the aspirants first. She made her way
toward Yr, the archer and warrior from far away and distant time.
"I shall stand behind you no matter what danger
you face."
"Thank you, Ozphar." Yr replied, uncertain if the drakling knew
how terrifying other humans could be... and she wasn't referring to wartime
Desert Lunarph was up next. He couldn't quite restrain his excitement and
had a little skip in his step when he approached Kherol.
"I shall be your shield and keep you from getting
Kherol wondered briefly if he'd face many attacks while mending or
woodworking but then figured those leisurely days might be over now.
Lastly, the deep blue water drakling, Virphar, calmly stepped toward Tanguy.
The deputy was pretty uptight and a stickler for rules and regulations. But
she could appreciate that. Everyone needed someone to chide them when they
were wrong after all...
"I shall stand beside you and guide your
decisions." she said.
Tanguy nodded politely. He'd not imagined a soothing water drak would find
him compatible, but apparently this one had a mind of her own.
Water Qiklenar
& Mud Loerisph
(m) & Desert Lunarph (m) - trained by
and Wind Hyenna (Knight)
(f) & Earth Ozphar (f) - trained by Kaleah
and Day Reykiki (Knight)
(m) & Ocean (Water) Virphar (f) - trained by Brian
and Ore Caralisaw (Knight)

(m) & Desert Lunarph (m)

(f) & Earth Ozphar (f)

(m) & Ocean (Water) Virphar (f)