[Landing Flat] [Main Cavern] [Deep Cavern] [Flights] [Armada] [Portals]

Welcome to the Armada's!

Dugan Armada

Knight Drak Profession Mate
Maikus Mud Modnaen High Knight Leeyawsh
Reidel Fire Vlatasu Trainer Henna
Damisa Rain Henna Medic Vlatasu
Bellinde Mud Lingwe Judge --
Lythia Ore Leeyawsh (f) Knight Modnaen
Ac Ore Guhaaw (m) Knight --
Aesc Forest Quidudi (f) Knight --
Yr Earth Ozphar (f) Knight --
Stan ??? Knight --
-- -- Knight --
-- -- Knight --
-- Plant Decalan Knight Kuniri
-- Forest Kuniri Knight Decalan

Background and Images made by Trix.
  Font used for title is called Neverwinter