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Age: 31
Gender: Female
Description: Bellinde is a tall woman with a healthy dose of meat on her bones. She can manage some heavy lifting and can hold her own in a fight. She prefers cotton clothes and airy garments.
Personality: Inquisitive and a bit standoffish, Bellinde has been keeping her thoughts to herself since she was a child. She could easily get in trouble for saying something she'd noticed and she learned that secrets are best kept under wraps unless they were hurting someone else.
Short Bio: Bellinde was born in one of the villages surrounding Savannah Castle. She helped her family farm and rear animals and that meant a lot of waiting. Time she spent people-watching. One of the Savannah judges noticed her keen mind while he was haggling for produce and invited her up to the Castle.
Armada & Function: Dugan Armada, Judge


Gender: Male
Species: Icarian Drak
Colour: Mud
OriginSavannah Castle
Personality: Stable and meticulous, Lingwe will interrogate promising younsters.
Life Mate: --

Background and Images made by Trix.
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