
Portrait made with Portrait
Name: Jack
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Description: Jack is a bit smaller
than average for a man and has a complex about putting on weight. He has a
tanned skin and dark wavy hair that he likes to dye on occasion. He has a
small goatee, a large nose and bushy eyebrows. His brown eyes are warm and
usually lure people into thinking he's harmless. His easy banter only add
to this effect. Jack is an agile fighter though, preferring the sword but
not above using what he finds to triumph.
Personality: Jack is a complicated man. He cares for his family but
they sometimes drive him up the wall with their actions. The fact that
they're all growing up and rebelling doesn't help. His wife is a frail
woman so she's often sick. Now that the children are older that isn't so
much of a problem anymore, but his mother seems to be ailing and his
eldest daughter seems to be in a bad relationship... the problems just
keep piling up. Fighting is his way to cope with his problems, letting all
his frustrations go in battle.
Family: Married to Lucia, Has four children: Maya (f),
Willa (f), Dyr
(m) and Barm (m)
Class: Fighter
Role/Position: Front of Main Party
Work Ethic: Likes to be busy and takes up new projects to keep from
worrying about other things.
Pets: --
Bond: Topaz Aejeonth (m) from Isla Weyr
and Dragons: Level 3 FIGHTER |
Hit die:
10 |
Points: 25 |
Class: 15 (Chain Shirt + Shield) |
Fighting Style, Second Wind, Action Surge, Martial Archetype |
Atheltics (sprint) |
Scores and modifiers |
15 (+2) |
CON: 13 (+1) |
INT: 9 (-1) |
WIS: 12 (+1) |
CHA: 12 (+1) |
DEX: 11 |
Long before the dragons began their reverberating hum, guests were ushered
into the sands and candidates were rounded up. As guests were seated and
candidates were located, the dragons began their hum that announced the
imminent hatching was about to begin. Despite best effort, chaos ensued as
people rushed to the sands to get the best seats, or find friends to
continue bets with, and candidates quickly joined those waiting. Once
(most) of the candidates were gathered they were led onto the sands.
Formality was tossed for those that could not fit into an impression robe
or who had shown up too late. As long as the attire was simple and not
flashy, the official let it slide.
The eggs were rocking, some tumbling down into other eggs causing loud
cracks that made a few people wince with worry. The Geneticist were there,
helping and righting potential disasters - there was plenty of room on the
sands but as some candidates moved to eggs they had been drawn to during
the few egg touching events - room became a luxury.
From the stands, dignitaries and representatives from all over the Nexus
watched as the first eggs shattered - and, as if this was the cue - dozens
of eggs rocked, cracked and the tiny hatchlings broke free in heaps of
limbs, wings and tail. Watching each Impression was soon impossible but
for those on the sands beside the rocking, shattering eggs, it was a very
different experience...
Jack paced back and forth across the sands. His eyes darting around but it
was impossible to get a view of what was going on. It was an unusual
feeling to not have to be on guard to save his life but the tension of the
hatching had him feeling jittery. His thoughts turned to home and he
wondered if Lucia could cope with all the problems, whether the kids were
keeping out of trouble and so on. For a moment the world around him
vanished and he collided into an egg...
The egg had been lazily taking it's time in coming out and when Jack hit
it, the inhabitant’s jolt caused the entire thing to shatter - all over
Jack. A brightly coloured hatchling of topaz arched his wings, looking at
them as if annoyed before turning to Jack.
"I was trying to hide from the noise",
it said, then tilted its head and a slow draconic grin spread on the
hatchling’s muzzle as he recognized Jack from...before, when it was dark
and... quiet... "I know you..."
Jack blinked, his worries momentarily forgotten as the sense of deja-vu
took hold of his mind too. Though he knew logically he'd never seen nor
heard this hatchling, he did feel familiar as if they'd known each other
for years, or maybe even longer. Jack opened his mouth and uttered a
"Aejeonth..." and the hatchling
blinked as if confused as to why Jack sounded so shocked to know it given
it was very natural thing to know the one you had been looking for since
before the hatching.

Name: Aejeonth
Gender: Male
Colour: Clouded Topaz
Genetic Base: Blue
Size: medium-length (suggested height: 8'6", suggested length: 55')
Parents: Gold White Aiyanath x Night Kordelath
Species: Pernese
Note: -
Personality: Sensitive, easily crowded and one who won't be rushed.
*telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentient
*teleportation (between): can travel to a
different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
*assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after
digesting a phosphorous-bearing rock such as firestone
*telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as
per the spell telekinesis
*telepathic shield: can generate a telepathic shield
for rider, blocking external thoughts of others and preventing thoughts
from being read.
"Come on Aejeonth." Jack called
for the fifth time.
His topaz-coloured dragon yawned and got up. Strangely rearing a dragon
felt much like rearing his children. And if Jack was right, Aejeonth was
now a teenager with all the trouble that came with that rebellious age. It
should have made him worry, it should have made him wary but all he felt
was a longing to those 4 other rebels he had at home.
"I'll grow big enough to carry you home
eventually." Aejeonth said as he stretched.
"I know. Let's get to training so we can egt a little closer to that."

Aejeonth was larger than ever but still smaller than some
of the other dragons in reseidence. But Jack didn't mind. It wasn't all
about size anyway. His dragon let out a chuckling rumble as the thought
reached him.
"Sometimes size does matter. Just be glad I can
carry you on my back... and probably that lady of yours too."
"Speaking off, isn't it about time we go see her?" Jack asked.
"I had to wait for approval." Aejeonth
retorted sounding a bit hurt.
"I know. I'm just impatient."
In fact Jack's heartrate was soring and his shoulder-muscles were
cramping from the tension he'd been under of late. Soon he'd see his
family again. Soon he'd be home.
"I guess there's no time like the present."
Aejeonth relented.
"Thank you."

Continued on
Lucia's page
[STORY] ~'~
Isle - Isla Weyr
Background from 1-background.com |