
Portrait made with Portrait
Name: Riks
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Description: Riks is a
severe-looking man with tanned skin and wavy dark hair. He has a beard and
moustache that cover most of his face. His stern brow and piercing grey
eyes seem like they're always scowling when in truth he is just a bit
near-sighted. Riks likes to dress in full regalia, with a cape covering
most of the armour that protect him.
Personality: Riks is a fatherly man, quiet and calm who likes to
listen to the younger members of the team and tries to make certain they
all get along. He is powerful and has a lot of experience though he
certainly isn't one to brag. After all, the novelty of youth is a powerful
force. He's been looking for an apprentice to train but so far hasn't
found any who have the right affinity for magic.
Family: Married to Kathleen with two adult children,
Helen and Driss who have left home and have a
family of their own.
Class: Wizard
Role/Position: Support/Central
Work Ethic: Though not officially in charge, conscientious and a good
Pets: --
Bond: Shimmer Nickle Aratirith (m) from Isla Weyr
and Dragons: Level 4 WIZARD |
Hit die: 6 |
Hit Points: 22 |
Armour Class: 14
(Scale Mail) |
Feats: Spellcasting,
Arcane Recovery, Arcane Tradition, Inspiring Leader (from Ability
Score Improvement) |
Skills: Arcana |
Ability Scores and
modifiers |
STR: 11 |
CON: 13 (+1) |
INT: 17 (+3) |
WIS: 13 (+1) |
CHA: 13 (+1) |
DEX: 11 |
Long before the dragons began their reverberating hum, guests were ushered
into the sands and candidates were rounded up. As guests were seated and
candidates were located, the dragons began their hum that announced the
imminent hatching was about to begin. Despite best effort, chaos ensued as
people rushed to the sands to get the best seats, or find friends to
continue bets with, and candidates quickly joined those waiting. Once
(most) of the candidates were gathered they were led onto the sands.
Formality was tossed for those that could not fit into an impression robe
or who had shown up too late. As long as the attire was simple and not
flashy, the official let it slide.
The eggs were rocking, some tumbling down into other eggs causing loud
cracks that made a few people wince with worry. The Geneticist were there,
helping and righting potential disasters - there was plenty of room on the
sands but as some candidates moved to eggs they had been drawn to during
the few egg touching events - room became a luxury.
From the stands, dignitaries and representatives from all over the Nexus
watched as the first eggs shattered - and, as if this was the cue - dozens
of eggs rocked, cracked and the tiny hatchlings broke free in heaps of
limbs, wings and tail. Watching each Impression was soon impossible but
for those on the sands beside the rocking, shattering eggs, it was a very
different experience...
Riks had politely declined the simple white shift and sandals. He had
assured the people in charge that his outfit was a uniform and had left
his armour in his room, wearing velvet grey pants, a white silk shirt and
of course, his purple cape. What would it matter which clothes he had on
if this was a meeting of minds? Riks felt he would need to be at his most
comfortable to allow any of the dragons the chance to see his real self.
He'd taken a seat near the edge of the sands, confident that if Fate would
deem him worthy for a dragon, that She would also lead that dragon to
Aratirith didn’t think anything was interesting about how he looked -
but the people in white kept pointing at him, whispering. It was
unnerving. At least until a voice told him their curiosity was nothing bad
and, relaxing at the voice of other dragon-kind, he shook himself and
walked through the candidates, broken egg shells, and creeling dragonets
looking for their own bonds. Aratirith was very certain of his. It was
just finding Riks that was posing a problem. So, Ataririth kept going,
confident that eventually he would find his rider...
Riks had noticed the dragonet circling the sands, seeming to always get
just a little bit closer as he avoided several obstacles. Focusing on the
little dragonet, Riks almost felt certain that Fate might be aiming this
dragon to him in a very roundabout way. But the wizard loved a good riddle
and strode toward the dragonet to make certain.
Riks tapped the dragonet on the shoulder and asked: "Might you be
headed for me?"
Aratirith crooned, leaning toward the hand that had tapped his
"I most certainly was", the
hatchling sighed.

Name: Aratirith
Gender: Male
Colour: Shimmer lightning marked Nickel
Genetic Base: Green
Size: medium-length (suggested height: 6'10", suggested length:
Parents: green Fersyth x brown Ulkath
Species: Pernese
Note: from Aratiri - bolt of lightning - South American
Personality: Careful and precise, analytical and scientific with a calm
*telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentient
*teleportation (between): can travel to a
different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
*assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after
digesting a phosphorous-bearing rock such as firestone
*telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as
per the spell telekinesis
*metamagic adept: three times per day, the dragon
can boost their rider's spellcasting with one of two metamatic feats
(rider's choice).
Aratirith was an example to other weyrlings. He shone not only in
appearance - as Riks made certain his dragon was always in tiptop
condition - but also in brilliance of the mind. Aratirith had a love of
science and would never get enough of learning, evaluating,
experimenting.... He also had the patience to put up with training and a
general will to do as had been instructed.
Some of the others might resent the nickel dragon for this but all had to
agree that he was fast becoming a force to be reckoned with. Even if he
was on the smaller side for a Pernese dragon, he had that strange ability
and had bonded a wizard so none dared to get on his bad side. Aratirith
couldn't have cared less about what others thought of him though. He
wouldn't be staying as he had learned early on that Riks wanted to return
to his home and children. Maybe they'd go on adventures in the future but
the chance did seem pretty slim.
"More time to read then." Aratirith
concluded pragmatically.
"There is always time to read." Riks agreed."

Aratirith appeared above the forests of Riks home. A stately tower arose
as a beacon to lead the lightning-marked dragon to where he needed to be.
The courtyard was just big enough to land. As they did, a demure woman
stepped out of the home and said:
"You never fail to amaze me dear."
"Everything to get a smile on your face." Riks replied.
Aratirith felt his bond soften in the presence of the woman and saw a
different side of his personality emerge. Maybe a bit sappy, maybe a bit
soft. But the dragon didn't dislike the warmth he felt through the bond.
This was a woman worth protecting and Aratirith would make certain that
she had everything she needed. And maybe even some things she didn't know
she needed yet.

Continued on
Kathleen's page
[STORY] ~'~
Isle - Isla Weyr
Background from 1-background.com |