
Portrait made with Portrait
Name: Lucia
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Description: A frail, but tanned
beauty. Lucia has long black hair, brown eyes and full lips. She is prone
to sickness and soreness so she does not have a lot of stamina. She stays
at home a lot but gets her tanned complexion from working in the garden.
She is on the smaller side of average in height and does not put on weight
no matter how much she tries.
Personality: Lucia means well, despite her frail body she tries to care
for her four children and husband. Even more, she is a devout follower of
religion and helps where she can, which in her case is mostly through
donations. This of course jeopardises her family at times but she can't
say turn a blind eye to sad stories and people in need.
Family: Married to Jack, Has four children: Maya (f),
Willa (f), Dyr
(m) and Barm (m)
Class: Homemaker
Work Ethic: Try and do what you can
Pets: --
Bond: Emerald Spenaith (f) from Lantessama
Cwerty turned her eggs dutifully. She'd done
so a million times before. Her gestures had become routine but her mind was
still on the job which is how she noticed the change. The tiny tremor had hardly
been perceivable, but she knew.
Rising from the sands, she let out a modest call along with a very clear mental
message that everyone waiting on the hatching would better be here asap or else.
It didn't take long for the candidates and spectators to turn up. The first to
arrive was the green-haired, pink-hued detective. He'd been investigating
reports on the gem thieves he was tracking nearby. He'd agonised briefly about
what should take precedence but had decided on the hatching in the end. The
trail had very much run cold. Blair Rhein was followed by Yimeo Inavito, the
multi-limbed otter lady who'd been enjoying a swim in the ocean. She was still
quite wet but luckily there was little wind on this day. The third to arrive was
Ashun Ventul, shrunken down to a more practical size. The brown-yellow dragoness
was helping the last arrival, Lucia, walk on the sands. She could hardly keep
the feathers of her wings still, so excited was she. The woman beside her smiled
as she took a seat in a chair she was offered. She could very well stand but
people insisted she take it easy. Lucia was indeed prone to illness but the
ocean breeze had done wonders on her health.
The candidates and spectators did not have to wait long - as some had
feared - since the eggs seemed to respond to the crowd outside. One
hatchling finally broke through. His hide the faded blue of Beryl but
dotted in bright Coppery Orange. He very much took to his father's colours
but the pattern was that of his mother.
A fully Emerald Green dragoness hatched next. She was neither patterned nor
striped nor metallic. And this suited her just fine. She didn't need high
expectations for herself. And she was perfectly fine with a leisurely life in
the country. Just the type of life she would get with a certain woman.
"Lucia, My name is Spenaith. I'd love to meet your
children and pay with them."
"Are you certain? they can be quite the handful." Lucia smiled but she already
knew that this combination would work.

Name: Spenaith
Gender: Female
Colour: Green (Emerald)
Size: Medium
Parents: Blue-Green Cwerty
and Verdigris Aiburath
Species: 50% Star City Mutt, 25% Hathian, 25% Pernese
Personality: Caring, Supportive, Not easily perturbed/intimidated
*telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentient
*teleportation (between): can travel to a
different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
*telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as
per the spell telekinesis
Lucia returned home and was greeted by the sight of her husband, his
dragon and the children. The latter were far bigger than they were in her
heart and that was something that would never change. Spenaith agreed that
children were something precious to be guarded for as long as you lived.
She'd met Jack and Aejeonth at Lantessama as the pair had come to visit
during their training.
"I'm happy Lucia is back home."
Aejeonth confided.
"Were the children rowdy?" Spenaith
"No, my bond just about cried himself to sleep
every night because he missed her."
"That's sweet." Spenaith retorted.
"Yeah, but I'd rather see him be happy."
While the children welcomed their mother home and Lucia was busy hearing
all the stories about the time she'd missed, Spenaith gave Aejeonth an
appreciatie look and added:
"You know what else
would make these two happy?"
"More kids!"

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