
Portrait made with Portrait
Name: Tonia
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Description: Tonia is a curvy,
full-bodied woman with long dark brown hair, blue eyes and a round face
and features. Since she relies on the forces of nature she always keeps
natural elements on her (feathers, fur, animal hairs, fangs...). She
overheats easily since she was born high up in the North so she likes to
wear clothes that leave patches of skin bare so she can cool down.
Personality: Tonia likes to help others. She often jokes that she
wouldn't be of use in a fight, but when she gets the room to chant, she
can really shift the situation to their favour. Tonia is not a physical
woman, she dislikes physical contact and keeps far away from any form of
exercise. But she enjoys leisurely walking and reading, usually combining
the two which sometimes doesn't work out so well.
Family: Single, good relationship with her parents and sister.
Class: Druid
Role/Position: Scout/Back of Party (Support)
Work Ethic:
Pets: A winged familiar that takes the form of different birds
depending on it's mission. (image from Dragon
Bond: Clouded Pearl-Sapphire Larimath (f) from Isla Weyr

and Dragons: Level 2 DRUID |
Hit die: 8 |
Hit Points: 13 |
Armour Class: 11
(Hide) |
Feats: Druidic
Spellcasting, Wild Shape, Druid Circle |
Skills: Animal
Handling |
Ability Scores and
modifiers |
STR: 9 (-1) |
CON: 10 |
INT: 11 |
WIS: 15 (+2) |
CHA: 12 (+1) |
DEX: 8 (-1) |
Long before the dragons began their reverberating hum, guests were ushered
into the sands and candidates were rounded up. As guests were seated and
candidates were located, the dragons began their hum that announced the
imminent hatching was about to begin. Despite best effort, chaos ensued as
people rushed to the sands to get the best seats, or find friends to
continue bets with, and candidates quickly joined those waiting. Once
(most) of the candidates were gathered they were led onto the sands.
Formality was tossed for those that could not fit into an impression robe
or who had shown up too late. As long as the attire was simple and not
flashy, the official let it slide.
The eggs were rocking, some tumbling down into other eggs causing loud
cracks that made a few people wince with worry. The Geneticist were there,
helping and righting potential disasters - there was plenty of room on the
sands but as some candidates moved to eggs they had been drawn to during
the few egg touching events - room became a luxury.
From the stands, dignitaries and representatives from all over the Nexus
watched as the first eggs shattered - and, as if this was the cue - dozens
of eggs rocked, cracked and the tiny hatchlings broke free in heaps of
limbs, wings and tail. Watching each Impression was soon impossible but
for those on the sands beside the rocking, shattering eggs, it was a very
different experience...
Tonia tied the shift to the side of her thighs, leaving her legs bare.
There were too many people around and the place was feeling tropical - or
at least as tropical as Tonia could imagine since she'd never been
somewhere this hot before. She caressed the feathers she'd put in her
braid and lamented once more that her powers only meant that they gave her
a little cool breeze instead of being able to lift her from the ground.
Tonia watched as some of the people from her party impressed and left the
sands and as more people had that same fortune, the sands grew a bit less
crowded and she could relax.
As the Hatching neared its end, Atarikath lowered her head and sighed,
giving the little hatchling that had been hiding most of the hatchling
behind her tail, a nudge.
"Time to go..." the
brown-sized queen said.
Dried off completely in the heat of the Hatching Caverns, the white hide
still shimmered with a mix of colours but her wingsails, spread out as she
moved into the now much emptier sands, were a glittering sapphire. Because
the sands were so empty now, she was very quick to spot Tonia and without
a second look at her convenient gold-dragon hiding spot, Larimath darted
straight to Tonia, not even stopping until she had barrelled into her
rider with a delighted, relived yelp.
Tonia had watched the little bright dart of a dragon rush toward her, but
had been too late to do anything but brace for impact. Luckily, she was
built from sturdy stock and she took the impact without falling. Larimath
rubbed her nose against Tonia's legs and added:
"I was told to go so I came."
"Thank you. I'm about ready to head out." Tonia agreed, relieved
to be able to get outside.

Name: Larimath
Gender: Female
Colour: Clouded pearl-sapphire
Genetic Base: Green
Size: medium-length (suggested height: 7'5", suggested length:
Parents: green Lavaraldath x bronze Krishanuth
Species: Pernese
Note: from 'Larimar'
Personality: Excitable, eager and optimistic.
*telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentient
*teleportation (between): can travel to a
different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
*assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after
digesting a phosphorous-bearing rock such as firestone
*telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as
per the spell telekinesis
Larimath took her starting stance, her muscles rippled beneath her hide.
Letting go, she darted forward, only to trip over her own feet and to land
head first into the grassy plain where she was practicing taking off.
"Flunked again." the chipper
white and blue dragoness exclaimed.
"Maybe you should be calmer." her bond Tonia suggested.
"I am calm." the young
dragon said, wings twitching and tail tapping on the ground.
"Sure, I can see that." Tonia replied kindly.
She opened her mind to her let her bird familiar appear and for Larimath
to share their senses. It wouldn't be exactly the same as the bird could
flap it's wings and depart, but maybe if they started from someplace
higher this method could work. And once Larimath knew she could fly, she
would probably not be as tense trying to take off.
"Let's try again." Tonia said.

Larimath, still as excitable as ever, popped her head into the water to
look at the fish. Her eyes a bright beacon in the shallow water. Swirling
with colour and as bright as her personality, the dragon enjoyed the
flashing by of fish and the soft swaying of the underwater plants and
algae. But although the watery scenes usually relaxed her, she couldn't
quite shake the feeling that she should be flying.
Her mind wandered to scenes of clouds, to empty and vast playing fields
where she could stretch her wings and fly until her muscles strained and
her wings ached. Only then would she be satisfied, only then would she be
content. A roar of challenge left her throat and off she went, searching
for that place in the sky where she could be queen for a day.

[STORY] ~'~
Isle - Isla Weyr
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