
Portrait made with Portrait
Name: Yorge
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Description: Yorge is of average
height for a man, with curly dark brown hair, brown eyes, a straight nose
and rounded features. He has to work out a lot to keep the weight off, he
focuses on agility and endurance since he doesn't want to grow too muscled
(he needs to fit through small spaces after all). He has a tendency to get
cold easily so he often wears extra capes.
Personality: Yorge is a bit of a cynic. He likes to gripe and
complain but lacks the necessary effort to actually do something about the
situations he doesn't like. He enjoys going out with friends and stays out
into the night. He doesn't believe in denying himself fun when it's right
in front of him. Lately he and his boyfriend have gotten more serious
about being together and they're thinking about adopting a child.
Family: Living together with his boyfriend Stejn who recently
Class: Rogue
Role/Position: Scout/Stealth
Work Ethic: Don't put effort in what you're not asked to do.
Pets: --
Bond: Black Calibath (m) from Isla Weyr
and Dragons: Level 2 ROGUE |
Hit die: 8 |
Hit Points: 17 |
Armour Class:
14 (Leather) |
Feats: Expertise,
Sneak Attack, Thieves Cant, Cunning Action |
Skills: Stealth |
Ability Scores and
modifiers: |
STR: 15 (+2) |
CON: 14 (+2) |
INT: 9 (-1) |
WIS: 9 (-1) |
CHA: 14 (+2) |
DEX: 17 (+3) |
Long before the dragons began their reverberating hum, guests were ushered
into the sands and candidates were rounded up. As guests were seated and
candidates were located, the dragons began their hum that announced the
imminent hatching was about to begin. Despite best effort, chaos ensued as
people rushed to the sands to get the best seats, or find friends to
continue bets with, and candidates quickly joined those waiting. Once
(most) of the candidates were gathered they were led onto the sands.
Formality was tossed for those that could not fit into an impression robe
or who had shown up too late. As long as the attire was simple and not
flashy, the official let it slide.
The eggs were rocking, some tumbling down into other eggs causing loud
cracks that made a few people wince with worry. The Geneticist were there,
helping and righting potential disasters - there was plenty of room on the
sands but as some candidates moved to eggs they had been drawn to during
the few egg touching events - room became a luxury.
From the stands, dignitaries and representatives from all over the Nexus
watched as the first eggs shattered - and, as if this was the cue - dozens
of eggs rocked, cracked and the tiny hatchlings broke free in heaps of
limbs, wings and tail. Watching each Impression was soon impossible but
for those on the sands beside the rocking, shattering eggs, it was a very
different experience...
Yorge felt out of place wearing white. But then, he did blend into the
crowd not like some of the other candidates around. He looked at Riks who
seemed to be wearing clothing more suited to a fancy dress party and Absin
who clearly had insisted on wearing her armour. Well, whatever worked. If
this were work, Yorge would be moving around doing reconnaissance. But it
was not so he sat himself down in the sands and watched, enjoying the heat
as it radiated up.
A shadow had detached itself from the wall and began to make their way to
Yorge. Well, not exactly a shadow for it was clearly a hatchling who was
so dark he could have very well been a shadow. It was hard to tell just
what colour the hatchling was so, for now, 'black' was the only thing
being listed. Final genetic tests could clarify of course but given the
chaos, the Geneticists in charge of watching that hatchling's egg had
simply gone with that. As Yorge enjoyed the heat from the sands, Calibath
peered over one shoulder - then the other, trying to figure out what this
human that he was drawn to was so darn interested in...and why not him...
Yorge had felt something approaching, but he still startled when the black
draconic head peered over his shoulder.
"What?" he asked.
"What are you looking at?" Calibath asked.
"You?" Yorge said hesitantly.
"That works." the dragon grinned his sharp little teeth
into view.

Name: Calibath
Gender: Male
Colour: Marbled Onyx
Genetic Base: Bronze
Size: medium-long (suggested height: 10', suggested length: 65'2")
Parents: gold white Aiyanath x night Kordelath
Species: Pernese
Note: From 'Caliban' - black - Romanian
Personality: Sarcastic, witty and a quick thinker. Knows how to stay out
of trouble when causing mischief.
*telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentient
*teleportation (between): can travel to a
different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
*assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after
digesting a phosphorous-bearing rock such as firestone
*telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as
per the spell telekinesis


[STORY] ~'~
Isle - Isla Weyr
Background from 1-background.com |