Halloween 2003

Cyan entered the Halloween caverns. The already dark walls where made even darker with the wavering light from the pumpkin candles. Cyan laughed when a very fake skeleton suddenly dangled in front of her.
"Lucas? Where are you?" Cyan yelled.
"Up here!" he called back from his rather uncomfortable space hanging from the wall.
"What are you doing up there?"
"Shouldn't you watch the eggs."
"I timed them at 11 pm, 31st October."
"Honey... It's 10.55. They are rocking."

Lucas jumped from the ladder, leaving 12 bats hanging down from the ceiling. His hands fumbling nervously with the 13th 
"Call the Candidates!"
Suddenly a small black shadow followed by three smaller ones slithered into the cave.
"Hatching?" the Venus Fly Trap asked.
"Evilness!" Cyan screamed, "I told you to stay in the greenroom!"
"As if... now that I know there's a hatching..." Evilness said, his teeth flickering in the light of the candles.
"Oh no you're not!" Cyan said, "Zaranyth!!!" 
"Yes rider mine?"
"Keep this little crawler out will you."
"You don't have to be so mean you know..." Evilness started.
"Watch him close... and flame him when he tries to get away."
The look on Zaranyth's face could only be interpreted as a big malicious grin when she scooped up Evilness and carried him away.
Slowly the candidates filed in. They had been searched far and wide and some of them had willingly come. Some had even dropped out of the sky, well that wasn't as unusual anymore Cyan considered. People were talking and mingling -make that crowding afraid in one corner or bragging about evil acts in the other- and no-one seemed to be left out. 
The first egg suddenly burst open. In perfect silence the black-purple rolled out of her egg. With a seemingly ghostly glow she headed to the group that was away from the more violent members of the group of searched. There she found one she could relate to.
"Ian," she spoke, "My name is Diblase... and I feel sorry for you."
"Diblase..." the haunted man whispered, "I am free."  Smiling he left the sands followed by his small smoky-winged purple-black with the interesting looking horns.
Two more eggs cracked and hatched in slightly less perfect silence. Cyan could swear she heard people shouting 'boo' and 'scared you' in the back of the cave. But when she looked she saw no-one laughing. 
Three dragons walked the sands to the group of candidates. The two smaller ones that had hatched from the same egg were wingless, but not very bothered by that. Two neon lines moved at lightning speed through the cave, one blood red, one black. Suddenly Cyan heard the same voices again.
"Naald! I'm caught!"
"Me too Draad..."
"Draad! My name is Needle!" said the neon red streak that had slowed down enough to recognise a very small black dragoness with red hair and a grey set of needles in stead of arms.
"And I am Pin, Naald!" said the black half of the twin. He had arms and legs, but a rather elaborate set of tailspikes dragging behind him.
Finally the two dragons slowed enough to show that they were in fact chasing a pair of elves that had been hiding in the commotion.
"Sneaky little elves... they're becoming a real plague." Lucas told her, "Those two won't be the last we see of their kind I bet. Halloween is big among them."
With all the commotion the third dragon had slipped out unnoticed. She didn't want a bond, in fact she had a whole history filled with issues she needed to clear up before she could even think of seeking her lover. Gemma, or Mikun as she had once been named, flew up with her golden red-sparked wings and soared for the moon.  
Gemma wasn't missed by many when next several eggs hatched again. The magic of Halloween was already fading 20 minutes past 11. Many of the dragons in the eggs were struggling to get out in time.
A small light suddenly lighted between the candidates. The fire wielding cheetah kin Eqahkali held up his light to distinct more then a mass of wriggling black bodies. Suddenly three more lights appeared in the cavern. Three dragons unfolded their wings and a blast of orange-red light lit the cavern like it was midday. 
The first dragon, with oddly shaped wings approached Eqahkali, careful not too burn anyone with his flaming arms and legs. He sat down in front of the kin, lighting his face from below giving him that spooky ghost-story effect.
"My name is Vlodzon... Shielding Light Vlodzon. I am not as powerful as you," he said, "But I am trustworthy." he continued winking at his two fiery siblings still standing on the sands, "unlike them."
The male Fire hissed when Vlodzon said that but was held down by the female that just glared and then stepped into the group of more violent candidates. She headed towards the two smallest of the group of humans and chose the little pyromaniac girl called Alana. There she coughed up a small ball of flames and 'accidentally' set a table cloth on fire just behind Eqahkali and his Vlodzon.
"Oops..." she said, "Alana, I am Vuur'Zee."
"You're fun!" the girl giggled and then left the holiday cavern.
The male fire also searched between the violent candidates. He too had some warm-blooded character in his mind for bonding. He headed straight to two sisters, one cold and unappealing, the other warm, feisty and passionate. It was her he embraced, the fire of his wings warming her beyond what she had ever felt. Her pale skin even started blushing a bit.
"Oh... Inferno." Brir said dreamily as she looked in the whirling blue eyes.
"Hey! Keep him away." Her sister Ryisiti said, "He's too hot."
"Never fear... Gneiss is here."
a strange dark-ice-blue said. Her wings were black and ripped, riddled with wholes and crevices. She stepped closer and immediately the temperature dropped. 
"That's better!" the red girl said looking rather angry at her sister... maybe she should freeze her in stead of people she didn't know.
Another hatchling, a dragon that looked evil from the moment she had left her shell with bloodred eyes, a black body and carrot-orange hair slashed around violently with her wings. She bugled when a few candidates jumped back terrified. But all fun must come to an end -sadly, but true- and the end for this dragon's fun was cut short by a long thin dark man with black hair that didn't need gel to stand upright. 
"Metassia." Hypnos called out, withstanding the look from her eye.
"What mine?"
"How dare you call that fun? You haven't lived until you kill someone."
The glare in the dragon's eyes told everyone else in the room that she was coming close to taking his advice... but to everyone's surprise she followed the mysterious man.
"This killing in dreams.... Can I be bigger?" candidates at the edge of the cavern heard her say when they left the cavern.
Inspired by this little fun-tastic display of having a good time. More dragons on the sands started displaying their powers and generally creating a chaos. Cyan looked at it with weary eyes.
"I'm glad Evilness isn't here to organise them to a giant riot-team." Cyan said.
One pair of frolicking dragons, a blood-red fanged dragoness and a brown-black spotted male, suddenly growled at each other, snapping their teeth and raking their claws through the air. Suddenly the vampire-dragon scanned the crowds for reinforcement. She found it in the form of another vampire female named Shynn.
"Same!" she called out, "Help me to suck this little piece of filth dry before we feed him to the dogs!"
"I would make you choke." the other dragon called back, "You don't mess with the Spotted Death!"
"Spotted Death, come on... Couldn't you think of anything better?"
"Had you rather liked the Excruciating Disease?" the male asked to the panther-halfling.
"I don't think so, Pest." Ohanzhee said as he closed into his dragon.
"Then Spotted Death it is!" he smiled. "And I will make sure your death is painful."
"Hey stupid! I'm already death." the blood smiled, "You can't beat Blood Sabella!"
At that time Lucas and Cyan moved to the two quarrelling dragons.
"Take it outside if you have to fight." Lucas said.
"And you," Cyan said to the riders, "Make sure they don't kill each other."
Slightly after the peace returned two small twin dragons stepped into the light. Their black wingless bodies sucked up the light and their blood-red spikes and daggers glowed bright as the male stopped and whispered something in the females ear. It was such an unusual display that Cyan only stared. Dragons always spoke to each other with telepathy... What were these two doing?
Suddenly they skipped and flip-flopped into the audience like two skilled acrobats and found their way to -as expected- two more elves. These two examples of mischief were called Aorta and Sanguin. They were blood elvens that had registered for the Halloween clutch a few days ago. 
"Aorta, my name is Sawblade Handle." said the female.
"And I am Sawblade Teeth." smiled the male.
Cyan was quite surprised to see the elvens impress dragons -even such small examples as these- that were clearly evil. She was even more surprised when the two elvens giggled, hopped on the dragon's backs and speeded out.
Cyan wasn't given much time to think. A dark black-red figure suddenly emerged out of the shadows. The hatchling looked rather strange with his big floppy ears and his many horns. Yawning he moved across the hot sands in a way that could only be described as comical before he stopped in front of Jonathan, aka Punkun, and introduced himself: "My name is Damask." he said bowing, the ends of his ears touching Jonathan's face. "Can we go eat now? I'm rather peckish."
Jonathan shrugged. "Sure."
About halfway through the hatching this time there was no rest, no silence. Halloween was drawing to a close and more dragons urgently bonded. Next to make the leap was a tiny white-feathered red snake that flew toward the hitman that had arrived only that day.
"Targer, " it buzzed, flying from one side of his head to the other, "I'm violent spirit Feather."
Then more silently it whispered, "We should have some fun... You feel angry, very angry..."
Luckily at that time, another dragon, a strange gold-copper metallic, walked past, his wings making an echoing sound as they hit the small winged snake, knocking him out of concentration. The metallic, unaware of what had happened stopped in front of Son of Man and said:
"Let me just call me Joe and you can call me Clasp, k?"
The sun God with smiled and said, the sword in his mouth moving again: "That's fine with me, Clasp."
After these hatchings a faded green light wavered on and off as a dragonesk form moved through a wall. The ghost (for what else moves through walls) stopped for a second when people stared at her, she screamed a loud and piercing cry that made everyone with functioning ears hold their hands to their ears.  But not all stood like that. There were ghosts among the candidates. There was  Dailnick, the cursed restaurant owner who held bloody parties every night. But the ghost didn't focus on him long. Longer she waited when she spotted the wraith girl Cordalina. Now that was a spirit she could go with.
A soft whispering sound, like autumn leaves: "Cordalina... I am Spook. Take me away from here. Now..." her form wavered again when she came close to Cordalina. The two of them faded and appeared at the exit of the cavern.
Dailnick was still looking a bit disappointed at the exit when he felt something tickling his ear. He looked up and was covered with a 4 metre snake  oozing poison from his back.
"I ssshall have to punishhh you for that infidelitchy, Dailnixck. My name is Terazss."
"You are better than anything that ghost could have done." Dailnick said, envisioning scenes and wonderfully graphic images of dead and fear.
Saichu, the little-bunny child stood close to the entrance. His mother had told him to stay there with her. But she had gone out a little while ago. This was his chance, Saichu knew. If he didn't get closer he wouldn't get a dragon.
Carefully he hopped closer, his soft yellow ears pricking the ear to hear better what was going on. Crowds parted and suddenly he stood eye to eye with a small black-vague red dragon. 
"Saichu." he said, 'Me and my sister have been waiting for you."
"You did?" the boy asked happily.
"We did. My name is Sha'Liz, and my sister's is Lisz'Ha."
"You are so beautiful..." he said.
"More, we are hungry... Can you spot us a spirit to feed on?"
The remaining candidates in the cavern still could not see well what exactly was happening on the sands. They could see movement and coloured eyes. They could hear smashing eggshells and the sounds of feet on sand. 
Another ghost swirled out of the blackness in the centre and approached ghosts that had showed up late. The three men stood staring at the dragon approaching. The journey to this place was vague and seemed illogical to them and still they were here.
"Yse." the feathered ghost spoke. "I shall accompany you... to kill and maim and murder." 
Eyes flared red. "But wait, I see I'll need followers."
The ghost let out a screech and two more ghostly figures were drawn out of the shadows. They didn't seem too happy with their new status.
"My name is Havik." said the first ghost to Yse, "and these are yours." he said nodding to the two others.
"Sarvass." said the webbed male, floating only a few inches above the ground.
"Pa'Arda." said the female with the long black hair, gliders and legs that were oddly shaped for jumping.
The ghosts vanished before cyan had scribbled down their names. This hatching was turning out to have quite a few busy dead people in it. Why didn't they stay for food? Beside the fact that they couldn't eat, it could be fun for them. She shrugged.
The next to emerge from the swirling pool of vileness in the middle was a tall bright red female. She walked past, the long nails on her paws lifted up so they wouldn't break. The dragoness stopped in front of Tavarius, the unfortunate vampire.
"Tavarius... " she said, "I am Indrah and I don't care much for blood... how do you feel about intestins?"
"Neutral." Tavarius said.
"Than I shall follow you."
The swirling black abated for a moment when a tall beautiful woman, striding across the cave, passed all the people in front of her. The other candidates, making way for something bigger than her present features, felt a tinge of blackness creeping by as the woman passed. They could have sworn a cape of black flowed behind her, but there was nothing of the sort that could be seen.
The woman, Kyytalan walked to the very edge of the swirling blackness. The evils, bloodthirsties and even some carnages looked at her in awe and tried to take the places the lessers had vacated.
But it was an egg that finally got the chance to reach her first. The shell burst away and the dragon falling out was black with bloodred wings and golden ornaments. A mask covering it's face gave it a mysterious look.
"Hurt me, Kyytalan." the dragon spoke.
"I'm sure I will, Geotic." the woman smiled back, "if you're a bad dragon."
Outside Evilness was slithering across the Sands, trying to reach the entrance to the holiday cave. But the two greens glared at him and lashed their tails in front of the entrance. Sighing the venus fly trap slithered back and closed his eyes, trying to think of a way to get in.
Suddenly however he heard an unusual noise. A human! But the steps of this human sounded strange, like there were pans swinging together in the distance. When the sound was close enough, Evilness opened his eyes and saw a metal man approaching. Hissing he leapt toward the man who stumbled back to Evilness' delight. The ground fell away from under Jack's feet and the pirate stumbled down the stairs swearing and shouting.
"Hey!" Evilness whispered, "I should be down there not you!"
Without thinking he tried to leap after the man, but before he could do so Zaranyth returned and lashed her tail around him.
"Come!" she roared in his mind and took him outside, dangling like a powerless hatchling.
Downstairs in the cavern, Jack was all too aware of the eyes upon him. He was trying to decide whether to run or fight in his new 'acquired' armour when galloping hooves suddenly sounded. The crowds parted and racing toward him he saw two small horse-like creatures. Unlike horses however their tail was like a reptile's, ending in a spiked ball. Their heads were protected by helmets with elaborate feathers.
The female medieval, with the purple feathers, stepped forward and said: "I know you aren't a real knight... but I bet you know where to find some for us to play with."
"What?" Jack said, turning around to establish the source of the voice.
"Yoo-hoo! Down here!" the red-feathered male said, "My sister meant you are now stuck with us." the male smiled, his teeth very white and sharp in the faded light, "My name is Goeiendag, and my sister's is Mace. Remember them and we'll be friendly."
The pirate was led out by Maira and her Dresynith to get a very short notice crash course on dragon-management. To her surprise Jack wanted to leave as soon as he heard about his new friend' abilities. Jack of course only wanted to be out before Arthur was found, that knight would ruin everything.
Fewer forms were now visible through the fog that covered the sands. Now and then an eye blinked, watching the surrounding candidates. Finally a form stepped forward. A dragon, a greyish dark red, with black-brown patterned wings stepped forward. Though obviously male he left all the male candidates standing where they were, only casting an evil glance their way. Then the male dragon, his red crest swaying a bit as he advanced, walked toward the females. 
But before he got there, one of the males stepped forward. "Come with me." the man said, "I know we can get to like each other..." he tried desperate to get a bond now that eggs were running low.
The dragon stood perfectly still. He looked at the man before him, low, despicable... No man would ever do for Kieken, master of the hen house.
Kieken extended a paw and placed it on the males leg. Believing the dragon had given in the man bowed down to look into Kiekens eyes. Mistake. Within seconds a scream sounded. The man turned, his eyes empty sockets. "You will never gaze upon me again." Kieken said with a tone that warned anyone else to try and stop him, "Greed is a sin." a cruel laugh sounded through the heads of those that were present.
"Now then, " Kieken continued, "It's time that I announce my real bond. Cyna, step forward please... and watch out for the blood, it's slippery." The former slave with her dark brown hair and functional clothing advanced, feeling very good about herself that she had left her daughter in Ryslen.
"Why do you fear that I would hurt her? Will I not be the guardian of your house? No woman will ever need fear me... the men though... Well I am still evil...." A flash of red lighted his amber eyes, so fast that it was gone before Cyna had seen it properly. Still without saying a word out loud she led Kieken outside where he could devour something, though be it that he didn't eat much. What happened to those eyeballs anyway?
After that bloody performance -keeping the best for last as in most of the time- the fog lifted a bit. No dragons were on the sands, but 7 eggs still lay in the midst of the turmoil. Suddenly one burst open, it literally exploded, shards flying in all directions. Out rolled two dragons. Blade shimmered as they started fighting. The fog was drawn around their jumping bodies and the candidates could hear more eggs cracking, smashed and broken by the wild dance of the twins. But no dragons left the safety of the dark. With only 10 minutes to go the left over candidates were starting to get nervous.
After what seemed an eternity, but was again only a minute, one of the two fighting dragons rolled out. It was the female, her hide and hair a set of colours that could only be dubbed 'faded sunset', a spiral black mark around her eye distorted her gaze, making her seem angry, though she wasn't. Could anyone be angry after such good a fight? After she had finally tasted the freedom of the world that was outside the shell she had shared with her brother? Repositioning her short blades she ran toward the females and stopped before she fully reached them. Before her stood Dreadeth, a black and white dragon with a distinct hate for humans.
"I get the feeling you don't want to be here." Atameh declared.
"What's it to you?" Dreadeth answered.
"I think we would get along." Atameh said, "So what about it?"
"I guess..." Dreadeth shrugged. She could always abandon the little squirt if she didn't like being bonded.
Not much later the second fighter-dragon's head popped out of the void. The male half of the twin, Twilight grey in stead of faded sunset, saw his sister bonding and decided it was unfair that she should get enforcement and he was still alone. However he would choose no dragon bond. No, a flexible human with his skill with swords was what he craved and found in Vorian.
"Master Vorian," he said, "It is my turn to be adopted."
"Then I shall teach you, Saber." Vorian said and nodded. 
The sword master picked up her swords that she had left at the entrance, checked them and was pleased to find no-one had had any ideas about them. Together with Saber she left the hatching cavern.
Trix was having a last check on Evilness. They had left him alone for quite some time now and plans don't take that long too pop up in Evilness' head. Cyan, who was now in charge of the fragile peace in the cave, looked around at the last candidates, the one more evil than the other. 
Cyan's eye fell on a tiger who was sitting patiently, waiting to impress. The gold-like fur of the tiger shined softly in the pail light of candles. Normally Cyan would have wondered how a tiger could have become a candidate, but it was Halloween after all... 
The tiger slapped her strong tail against the warm sands of the cave. No doubt was in her eyes. She was just looking at one single movement. The egg cracked and small pieces flew off. Cyan could see the top of a wing sticking out, soft red spots on a  dark black wing. 
The tiger stood up and her blue intelligent eyes were focussed on the now cracked egg. 
When a dark dragon with a deadly silver mask and ripped wings emerged form its egg, the tiger sat again. The phantom dragon lifted his head and a terrible growl made the cave tremble. Then it looked at the tiger. 
'Let me see your human form Caoiloch, To see you are worthy.'
The tiger changed slowly in a long legged woman with long blond wavy hair. She looked teasingly at the dragon.
'I'm more than worthy for you Zangre.' She told the phantom dragon.
'I'll agree if you let me torture those who crossed the line.' 
Caoiloch waited long enough for Cyan to get a heart attack and recover from it. Cyan just hoped the two would impress and leave everything untouched.. Then Caoiloch smiled. 
'I think we will get along great.' 
Together they left the hatching grounds and Cyan couldn't stop herself from sighing. Lucas saw her and smiled apologising. Cyan looked angry, but then smiled back. 
Not long after Caoiloch and Zangre had left another egg began to rock violently. But everybody's attention was drawn away from the egg when a violent wind filled the cave making all the sand blow up and into the faces of candidates and other people. Cyan wondered where Trix was as she covered her eyes against the sting the sand. Trix could handle these things better than she could. Next time she would look after Evilness and Trix would have to stay here.
Nobody could see anymore, but if they could, they would have seen that a pail and fragile man stepped out of the portal and onto the sands. Not once did he blink or even cover his eyes for the flying sand. 
The man was mumbling something in a strange language. Only the name Marquish could be heard. Cyan didn't even want to know what that meant. The sand calmed down again as the dark portal closed and now Cyan could see the man. Sweat pearled on his forehead and blood dripped out of a fresh wound. She followed the man's eyes and saw that the egg had hatched into another dragon. It seemed that the dragon was very dangerous.. She was carrying a scythe and swinging it through the air. The question of how nobody had gotten hurt until now popped into Cyan's mind. But it was soon gone when the impression took place. 
'I'm nobody's pet. But I would like to know more about Marquish.. It seems that he is mighty. But not as mighty as you.. For all you are the one who does everything.'
The man smiled at the dragon. 
'I can allready see how we are going to conquer the world, Ithea, and make everything ours in name of Marquish.'
'Indeed.. And a lovely picture it is Wernlak.'
Cyan watched the pair go reluctantly. But hope flashed in her eyes when Trix returned. She nearly threw herself in her sister's direction and hastily started talking.
"We need to monitor those two... They're planning on taking over the planet."
"As are half the other other pairs."
Trix said, "I'll have Ersatz show them the portal out when the dragons can teleport. She's bound to listen... after all she looks kind of friendly compared to some of these guys."
Only then did Cyan notice Trix hadn't come in alone. A man was following her. He looked so normal that Cyan almost thought he was at the wrong cave. But surely, as soon as he entered the sands, a sickeningly orange-yellow dragoness leapt out of the swirling blackness and placed herself before him.  
"I waited and I waited!" she shouted, lurching closer to the man, spitting with what appeared to be white foam and green mucus. Cyan felt sick. "And finally, here you are. Late. I hope you're not going to be late any more."
"Late has so many meanings," Escher said. "Now... What's your name?"
The dragon swung her head around with a vicious snarl, "you can't tell?"
"Rabies!" He cried out with glee.
Before the Laedrysses could discuss a few of the problems, or the new impressions another two dragons stepped forward out of the dark. These two definately belonged in the category Lesser Evil. In fact they belonged in the category Lesser. There was no evil to be seen in their eyes. The female, a soft beige dragoness with blond hair rather seemed sad. She looked around at the three remaining candidates and picked out the old gentlemen.
"Theodore, " she said, "How I have yearned for you..."
"Then let us not dawdle, milady Thassia. I have our transport ready." They vanished in thin air before Trix could even blink. She sighed appreciating after her brain had registered the exit... she wished all evil impressions could go as smooth as that one. 
"Figures that would happen with a less." Cyan said from the corner of her mouth.
Meanwhile, the second dragon, a light blue male with opal-frosted wings, sat shivering on the sands. He was the only dragon around, but he had a certain look in his eyes that drove nails through whoever looked into them. He was frightened to death. Finally the two remaining candidates stepped toward him. They had waited longer than they would have on the regular sands, possibly weary for traps and ambushes. But as they approached the sands stayed quiet. 
"Ilyena" the dragon suddenly cried out.
Startled Ilyena stopped, but then ran closer to the dragon. "Don't worry Immer, I'm here."
"Never leave me...."

The last egg, only one candidate. Mecate put all her hope on it. She had told Khana that she would impress but now she wasn't so sure anymore. The egg cracked and a shadow of grey fell out.
"Mecate... "
Mecate turned and looked in the blind white eyes of the grey dragon that had hatched. A name echoed in her head, but that one couldn't be right.
"I am Dark Justice Penitence," The dragon helped showing a gold-handled obsidian blade to her chosen. "I am rankless, powerless, but not purposeless. I may be blind but I see crime and I will punish it. You as I aren't worthy of praise and that is why we will forever stay without praise. That will be our punishment, to make up for the things gone wrong."
The sounds of 33 dragons clanging their tails against the cave heralded the twelfth hour. Midnight and officially a new day.
"Halloween is over... at last." Cyan said.
"Sad, isn't it?" said Lucas.
Cyan looked at her love a bit foolishly... Did he really mean that? She wasn't exactly sure, but she couldn't spot anything in his face that seemed to indicate a joke.
"Tomorrow you can start working at the Christmas Clutch. I'll help you with that one. Maybe some smaller winter-themed plant clutch to go along with it."
"Would you do that?"
"Sure. It's not like I have much work in Winter."

A sudden crash of sound interrupted their conversation.
"Dragons!!! It's me. Evilness come to bond you!"
"I'm sorry Evilness... You're too late."
Evilness scurried between the broken shells trying to find one more egg buried under the sand. But there were no eggs left. Moping he slithered away again mumbling something about: 
"Next time.... Hydras here I come."
"Do you think he'll sabotage the run?" Lucas asked.
"Nah... Could he?"

Lesser Evil
and Shielding Light Vlodzon (m)
Ian and Ghostly Diblase (f)
Jonathan and Gargoyle Damask (m)
Draad and Needle (f) 
Naald and Pin (m)
Mikun / Cursed Jewel Gemma (f)
Wef and Shadow Sailor Sarvass (m)
Zik and Spirit Glider Pa'Arda (f)
Ilyena and Forever Immer (m)
Theodore and Lady Thassia (f)

Ik'aleh and Barbaric Axe N'buli (m)
Aorta and Sawblade Handle (f)
Sanguin and Sawblade Teeth (m)
Hypnos and Slice & Dice Metassia (f)
Tavarius and Claws Indrah (f)
Yse and Spirit Tyrant Havik (m)
Kyytalan and Masked Evil Geotic (m)
Cyna and Rooster Kieken (m)
Escher and Rabies Hound (f)

Targer and Violent Spirit Feather (m)
Ohanzhee and Spotted Death Pest (m)
Sun of Man and Metallic Clasp (m)
Dailnick and Poison Terazss (m)
Shynn and Blood Sabella (f)
Caoiloch and Phantom Zangre (m)
Jack and Medieval Mace (f)
Jack and Medieval Goeiendag (m)

Saichu and Channeler Twins Sha'Liz (m) & Lisz'Ha (f)
Alana and Fire Vuur'zee (f)
Cordalina and Ghost Spook (f)
Brir and Fire Inferno (m)
Ryisiti and Demonic Ice Gneiss (f)
Wernlak and Scythe Ithea (f)
Vorian and Sword Dancer Saber (m)
Dreadeth and Crescent Blade Atameh (f)

and Dark Justice Penitence (f)