Flight 30

Wyatt wondered once more how he'd gotten to be here, now, in this particular situation. He and his dragon Sigrith had visited his home planet. Though it had been amazing to return home, Wyatt had soon learned that he no longer fitted in there. He had told his parents and sister of his travels, had even introduced Sigrith to them, but though they were supportive, they had cautioned him of others. Villagers might be frightened of his blue-winged purple dragoness. Adventurers might try to slay her. And Wyatt had had to agree that he could not live in his hometown. He had however promised to visit. Being a man of his word, he had then given both his dragon and his fluffy raptor pet a vote to where they would go next. And somehow he had ended up back on Lantessama Isle, for a mating flight no less.
"Relax, it's not like we are going to give away our lives." Sigrith told him.
"I'm not so certain of that." the healer mage responded.
"In some places maybe. Just think of it as getting a little bit of fun. I'm fully supportive on whether or not you take someone to your room."
Wyatt looked around. There had been that one lady who worked in one of the foodstalls that had given him a few fluttery winks. Maybe he should...
And as if that though had given Sigrith approval, his dragoness launched herself. Several male dragons followed suit. It only took a few moments to separate the opportunistic chasers from the serious competition as Sigrith zipped straight across the isle and headed for the ocean. Following close behind her was Sapphire Billurinth, hatched and raised on Lantessama and ridden by a lanky young man from Earth. Right behind him was Twilight Red Zeveryth, ridden by some resourceful mage who had visited so many places no-one knew where he'd been originally from. The third chaser was Wine Red Gedawik, ridden by Reznik, both of them came from Alskyr and were only passing by. The last of the serious chasers was Topaz-Turquoise Ranghe, another Lantessaman native, ridden by an older man, Lloyd, a mechanic from Earth. 
Wyatt recognised the look of slight resistance to the mating flight in Lloyd's eyes, but it didn't look as if his dragon would be winning. Not much later, the bright turquoise dragon with the sand-coloured wings dropped back, but only after his rider had invited a lady of a somewhat more mature age with good looks and curly blond hair to his room. By the smug look on his dragon's face, that was apparently what he'd been hoping for.
The chase went on in earnest and Sigrith suddenly whispered: "Watch me."
Just a split fraction later, she performed a few loops, catching the younger blue dragon Billurinth of guard. As Sigrith zipped away again, the sapphire blue could only admit defeat and return to the Isle. 
The dragons were now too far away from the Isle to be visible to the normal spectators. Only their riders could share their senses. Wind sped across Wyatt's face as he wondered once more how Sigrith could fly so fast.
"I'm using the wind." she said, but immediately returned her attention to her chasers as Zeveryth came awfully close to grabbing her tail. 
"How about you give in and be mine." he called after her.
"Make me!" she teased back. 
The two roared challenges at each other, both having forgotten the presence of the last chaser present. And it was with cunning that Gedawik had faded in the background. He'd bided his time, following the other two but abstaining from entering their conversation until he finally had manage to sneak up on Sigrith. She nearly crashed into him, which suited Gedawik just fine, as he said:
"I made you mine."
Sigrith relented and entwined her tail with the wine red male. 

Beryl-Amethyst Sigrith (Wyatt of Khylar)
Topaz-Turquoise Ranghe (Mechs of Lantessama)
Sapphire Billurinth (Trevor of Lantessama)
Twilight red Zeveryth (Arisen, the Traveller)
Wine Red Gedawik (Reznik of Alskyr)









Hatching 30

The day was chilly and overcast, but little dragonets didn't mind the weather when they wanted to come out into the world. And thus it was that Sigrith announced the imminent hatching, Gedawik flying a short lap around the isle, bugling, for good measure. Candidates, spectators and the recordkeeper rushed out. As the humans of Lantessama reached the central hatching sands, they were greeted by half a dozen hatchlings that had broken shell and were stretching stiff limbs and itchy wings. 
"I didn't want people to have to be out very long." Sigrith clarified when she got a stern look from the recordkeeper. 
 She had taken up perch behind her hatchlings, blocking the wind with her extended wings and warmed by the hot sand the hatchlings seemed perfectly cosy as they started to make their way to the waiting candidates. 
The assembled Candidates were, as usual, a varied group of beings. There were a couple of visitors from Kynn, two dragons hoping to bond, an envoy from Khylar, a baker from Dragondeep, a project from the Vella Crean who was currently also working on improving the data connection and a Zeddian with a technological edge who had volunteered to help her.  Sometimes Candidates mingled and got along. Sometimes they clashed. With this group the latter was mostly true. Mayurejderth -Ejder to those who could not memorise his full name and had adopted Smithy'z nickname for the mostly blue dragon - didn't want to be here at all. He preferred solitude and books. The library would be a nice place to while away such a chilly afternoon, but alas Captcha and Shuhuj had been working there and disturbing his peace. It didn't help that Ailani, the Island princess from Khylar seemed to not be able to share a room with the project. Strange really for they were so very similar. But then they do say opposites attract and that must mean that not-opposites clashed. Or resorted to arguing and stomping away. The young Sahnga from Kynn had tried to interfere but being argumentative herself, she'd only been dragged into the chaos. The only one who appeared to have stayed out of it was the baker Roy who had hid in the kitchens and had mostly interacted with the different chefs and bakers. 
So maybe it was a good thing that all the hatchlings were out and about and the bonding would proceed quickly. 
The first dragonet to make her move was a green emerald with lighter-coloured peridot green wings. She had a sunny disposition but also patience and grace and she knew just who's life she could improve. She skipped and skidded toward the blue, surly dragon and made a little bow with her head and wings.
"Mayurejderth, it will be my pleasure to join you in the library. You may call me Novelleth."
The blue dragon grunted but could not disguise the small flutter in his heart to his new bond who only reacted by giving him a big hug.
A completely white male quartz dragon  was the next to bond. He was quick-witted, curious and talkative and wasted no time in firing a bunch of questions at his intended:
"So what do you do? How do your powers work? Can I use them too now that we've bonded..."
At the look of confusion on Shuhuj's face the dragonet added: "And my name is Quark."
A captivatingly indigo blue iolite with topaz-coloured wings made her move next. She was beautiful and new it. Intelligent, thoughtful and smooth she had the makings of a powerful dragon. The world, nay the Nexus, would hear from her. And for that she had just the right candidate in mind.
"Captcha, you'll show me to the world, won't you?"
"And who am I introduce?" the golden-eyed project asked.
"Swimfisth." to which the project could only chuckle as the meaning of the name came to her on the thoughts of her dragon. 
 Next up, a black obsidian dragonet made her way forward. Her dark colour contrasted against the bright light of the day but she did not reflect nor glow. The dull colour of her hide seemed soft and luxurious as she made her way to the desert-dweller from Kynn who had recently lost a dear friend. The young woman with the orange spiky hair had found some reprieve here, maybe because of the lively interaction between the candidates, but her heart filled with something new when she looked into the dragon's eyes.
"I'm Mabrik." the dragonet said, "We're at the start of something new."
Two dragonets were left on the sands, but it was the male golden citrine who took the spotlight, grabbing the attention of the spectators by uttering a cry of conquest as he jumped toward the Khylarian princess.
Ailani managed to remain standing as luckily the dragonet wasn't all that big. She did stumble and would she had been wearing the traditional dresses of her tribe she would have fallen. But as as it stood she was wearing pants and a sweater against the chill. 
"You'll be a handful won't you?" she asked the dragonet, "As if I don't have enough to worry about."
The dragonet gave her a playful flick with his tail and said: "I'll help you, just wait. Rustik will take on the world for you."
That left the last dragonet to go to the candidate of his choice. Though there were still some to chose from, the pink-winged, bright green hatchling had no difficulty making his choice. The young dragonet followed his nose and went to the person who smelled absolutely divine. He'd been a bit hesitant, had not wanted to get in the way of his siblings, but fate had made certain to leave the best candidate for him. Thankful and elated, the young rhodonite-peridot dragon took a deep whiff of freshly-baked bread and sighed:
"I want some of that bread."
"I'll bake some especially for you, "Weibokth." Roy replied with a wide smile on his face.
But luckily none of the dragons had to wait long to be fed as by that time the cooks and bakers had brought out a buffet for all those gathered. 

Ailani (f) and Citrine Rustik (m)
Roy Ryebaker (m) and Rhodonite-Peridot Weibokth (m)
Mayurejderth (m) and Peridot-Emerald Novelleth (f)
Captcha (f) and Topaz-Iolite Swimfisth (f)
Shuhuj (nb) and Quartz Quark (m)
Kailu Rubin (f) and Obsidian Mabrik (f)

Pick UP