
image made with Portrait
Name: Ailani
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Looks: Ailani has bronze-tanned skin
with sleek long black hair and grey eyes. She always looks a bit surly or
disapproving, people have rarely seen her smile. Ailani hardly ever wears
frilly or patterned clothes. She doesn't believe in embellishments, her
clothes are purely functional. She does like colours that compliments her
colouring so she wears a lot of blues, greys and browns.
Personality: Ailani's name means "leader" and she
feels the pressure of that wish her parents made. She feels she needs to
be serious, efficient and poised all the time. Her scowl comes from trying
to get people to see what would be the best course of action. Ailani never
doubts her thoughts. The fact that others want to discuss gives her major
Likes: animals, teaching and shade
Dislikes: headaches, trouble and stubborn people (yes kettle
and pot...)
Pets: A soft chubby cat (Lima, f) from Gineya

The day was chilly and overcast, but little dragonets
didn't mind the weather when they wanted to come out into the world. And
thus it was that Sigrith announced the imminent hatching, Gedawik flying a
short lap around the isle, bugling, for good measure. Candidates,
spectators and the recordkeeper rushed out. As the humans of Lantessama
reached the central hatching sands, they were greeted by half a dozen
hatchlings that had broken shell and were stretching stiff limbs and itchy
wings. The cluth's dam, beryl-amethyst Sigrith had taken up perch behind her hatchlings, blocking the wind with
her extended wings and warmed by the hot sand the hatchlings seemed
perfectly cosy as they started to make their way to the waiting
One by one the hatchlings bonded, some were solid in colour like their
father while others were twotoned like their mother. Four had bonded,
leaving two dragonets on the sands. It was the male golden citrine
who took the spotlight, grabbing the attention of the spectators by
uttering a cry of conquest as he jumped toward the Khylarian princess.
Ailani managed to remain standing as luckily the dragonet wasn't all that
big. She did stumble and would she had been wearing the traditional
dresses of her tribe she would have fallen. But as as it stood she was
wearing pants and a sweater against the chill.
"You'll be a handful won't you?" she asked the dragonet,
"As if I don't have enough to worry about."
The dragonet gave her a playful flick with his tail and said: "I'll
help you, just wait. Rustik will take on the world for you."

"It's time for a vacation!"
Rustik insisted.
"Fine!" Ailani sighed, "You go and take a vacation."
The citrine dragon had proved to be a constant drain on her time as she'd
expected. Sure he did a lot of work, but in return he insisted she take
time off. Somehow that meant that the equation wasn't exactly as bright as
he'd promised her at the start.
"You're coming with me. You're needed."
"Needed for what?"
Ailani cursed her own inability to say no to anything that required her
"To attend my mating flight. I hear it's
quite exciting for the humans as well."
Ailani groaned, but if it was customary then she really couldn't get out
of this.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a secret. But you'll love it, I
promise!" Rustik sang.
Ailani wondered if she should hurt him now or later.


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