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Mind Pairing

Both Lytica and Shean were sleeping peacefully when both of them were waken up by Oceanna.
'The eggssssh, Wake everybody!"
"Are they hatching?" Lytica asked with a sleepy voice as she got up. All the knights had been partying that day because of some festival on Icarus, and had only slept for a few hours.
Lytica was leaning against Shean as both of them were watching all the aspirants gather.
Shean and Lytica, both had been caring for the music on the party the day before. It all went really well, but this morning, as they saw the sun rising on the East, it hurt there eyes.

There were 5 aspirants at Savannah Castle, all still rubbing the sleep out of there eyes. 
The draklings however didn't feel like giving the aspirants a time to wake up just a bit. 
The first drak that darted from behind her mummy drak was a Forest drak that knew exactly what she wanted: Rowan.
"Hello! I'm Paienna. Will you be my rider?" The drak jumped up and down as she said that, and pushed her new bond.
"Of course I will Paienna"
Both of them left the main landing flats. As another drakling already left it's mothers wings. This time, a Desert drak walked into the spotlight. Now that the first impression had taken place, the Aspirants were a bit more awake, the thrill of the hatching awakened them. 
The Desert drak, unlike his sister, said to all the aspirants. "You all look like fine aspirantssh, but I only want you." Pointing with his tail towards Veng Pulyar. "My name is Giinaen"
3 Aspirants were remaining, and soon that would be even less since another drak came from behind Oceanna. This time it was a Water drak. She looked just like her mother drak, and she didn't take long to pick, nor did she even hesitate. "Let's go." She said to Fleur as she got near her bond.
It was the same for Caylea. Her drak, a Wind called Hyenna, came from her mother and walked straight towards her best suited aspirant.

Only one aspirant remained, Avery was his name, and he stood there alone. Every spectator watching him, waiting...
What seemed for ages, finally another Desert Drak came from behind his mother. A little bit scared, but very out going, the drak wobbled to the last aspirant. "So... you wanna be my bond?" The desert asked.
"Of course I will."
"My name is Lopinaen." 

Veng Pulyar and Desert Giinaen
Caylea and Wind Hyenna
Avery and Desert Lopinaen
Rowan and Forest Paienna
Fleur and Water Tijnenna

Background and Images made by Trix.
  Font used for title is called Neverwinter