
NAME: Calla
GENDER: Female
AGE: 32
LOOKS: Calla has a dark complexion,
light brown hair she keeps in intricate knots, a wide nose and thick lips.
She has a decent figure with noticeable curves and some muscle to make
sure her legs, arms and belly are tight. Calla likes to wear softer
colours that contrast her skincolour.
PERSONALITY: Calla is a no-nonsense kind of girl. She works as a butcher
and has seen her share of blood and gore. There is not much that can
rattle her. She is cautious but not fearful and has a practical outlook on
life. She does not believe in prophecies and magic, but joined when she
was asked because she felt like she could be an asset to the party. Yeren
does have interest in her because she has her own affinity to the spirit
world, even if she has
blocked her gift up till now.
SKILLS: Butchering, Analytical thinking.
LIKES: Music & Rhythm, Social gatherings and Eating.
DISLIKES: The unseen world and spiritual "mumbo-jumbo"
FAMILY: Her parents are also
butchers and work with her.
PETS: Yellow Ghostwing Riva (f) from Dragon
BOND: Stonedust Zinogre Dankana (f) from the Empyrean

Calla quietly thought about sharpening her knives while she answered
questions. They had been brought here for this purpose so it was strange
that they were still wary of the bondings. Still these were potentially
dangerous creatures and Calla acknowledged that some prudence was needed.
The others had gone through the same process all had apparently passed as
they were led to the building that housed the baby monsters. The small
baby creatures, some furred, some scaled and some with both scales and fur
played and generally were being as cute as all babies. They'd been told to
mingle and that the monsters would make their choices known by telepathy
since talking was a skill they would acquire only with time and
Kerrik was assaulted by a grey-blue flying wyvern that seemed more feline
in her behaviour and shortly after that Calla caught the attention of a
grey-brown fanged wyvern.
~Bein’ silly.~ One of the zinogres growled with a strange, chortling
undertone, like a very guttural laugh. ~She bein’ silly.~ The kit looked
up at Calla, as if for validation. ~I’mma pick you, okay?~

Name: Dankana
Gender: Female
Coloration: Stonedust
Species: Zinogre
Class: Fanged Wyvern
Breed Information: Heavyset and bulky in appearance, zinogres carry
somewhat lupine characteristics, pebbly skin, and armored plating. They
are physically powerful, and surprisingly agile, even more so when in a
charged state. Numerous spikes on their bodies tend to lay flat until
charged with electricity.
Abilities: Telepathy, Concussive Roar, Lightning Charge, Shock Paralysis,
Elemental Affinity: Thunder
Reproduction: Viviparous
Personality: Caring, Clever, Cheerful
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