The Island Sisters
Ailani tapped her foot and unconsciously
poked her finger at her youngest siter.
"We told you we needed you for this."
Waiola averted her eyes, hating when her older sister berated her. She'd
only been a little late and she was a grown woman. In fact she'd been
helping at the ship wharf and she'd been needed there too. But to her
sister only the upcoming festivities of the island were important
Waiola could understand that it was a big deal to have been asked to
organise the events, but missing one person for half an hour shouldn't
derail the plans her sister'd made. Waiola had faith in that. So she stood
there and underwent the sermon, even if this was only prolonging the time
wherein she wasn't working.
Ailani knew she was going overboard, but the stress of it all was getting
the best of her. She'd been tense all day and Waiola's tardiness had just
been the last spark that had ignited the bomb inside her. Ailani had to be
perfect, had to make a success of the coming festivities or she'd let down
her parents, her family and basically everybody in the village. She knew
there was no time for this but just couldn't help herself.
It was Lua who came to Waiola's rescue. The relaxed beauty pranced by,
followed by a small group of able men.
"I already got us some extra help." she crooned and was met with
enthusiastic nods.
Lua's presence calmed Ailani and the long-hired beauty quickly motioned
for Waiola to go to do whatever she'd been supposed to be doing. Waiola
didn't hesitate and ran off while Lua smiled and asked for instructions
for her and the men she'd gathered.
"Where do you need us?"
"Well seeing as you've found some muscle..." Ailana started,
"You could go build the dais."
"Certainly." Lua nodded and turned away.
The dais was the centre stage for the festivities and the men would be
happy to have helped building it. And maybe Lua could tweak the design a
bit so it would look a bit flashier. As it was, Noelani had designed the
stage and it was dreadfully old-fashioned. The second youngest of the
sisters was present to oversee the work though, so Lua only got in a
couple of colourful fabric flowers before she was ordered to go somewhere
Noelani looked at the flowers and considered taking them down. But they
did suit the stage and the younger women around seemed to be fond of them.
Noelani did like flowers but wouldn't these be too frivolous? She could
always tell Ailani that Lua had been to blame for the flowers if she
didn't like them. Noelani turned gracefully, adjusted her dress and went
back to looking mature and in control.
As the days wore on, the venue
started to look amazing. The stage and dais were decorated with leaves and
flowers, the tables and benches below were clean and comfortable. There
was a place where the children could play and the elderly could rest.
Stalls that would serve refreshments stood to a side, easily accessible
but also far enough away that they wouldn't disturb the performers by
being too loud.
Ailani saw that it was good and relaxed for the first time in nearly two
weeks. Everything was going to be fine.
Lua imagined herself standing on the stage and telling stories to the
Noelani fanned herself to cool down and was just happy that Ailani was
pleased and everyone loved the simple, elegant designs. Even if Lua had
managed to add in some more flowers.
Waiola checked up on the construction and was satisfied that all the
stalls and stages were sound.
Nighttime came and the festivities
started. The four sisters could barely stay awake to enjoy them though.
Somehow they all ended up at the beach, intending to walk off the
sleepiness that was threatening to end the night early.
"Shouldn't you be performing?" Ailani asked Lua.
"I already finished, shouldn't you be keeping an eye on the
troublemakers?" Lua returned.
"I took care of that." Noelani said proudly.
"You're making a big effort." Waiola noted, "You planning
on organising this next year?"
The sisters squabbled as they were known to do often. They were so lost in
their quarrel that they didn't even notice the dragon landing on the other
side of the beach. Not until it let out a rather loud rumble, that is.
"Who's there?" Ailani called, ever the first to react.
"Excuse us, we were wondering if you ladies would like to come to
"As if I would accept an invitation from a stranger." Noelani
"Where exactly is Lantessama?" Lua asked, already dreaming of
faraway places.
"Do they have good food?" Waiola wanted to know.
"Lantessama is far away." the dragonrider acknowledged,
"But with a dragon it's but a few minutes away."
Now Noelani's interest was awakened as well. She'd studied plenty of maps
but had never heard of this place."
"I say we go!" Waiola said.
"Let's let our parents know just to be safe." Ailani said
"Let's ask someone to give them a message." Lua yawned, "I
don't think I can walk anymore."
And so it happened that the four sisters were brought to Lantessama to
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