
image made with Portrait
Name: Noelani
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Looks: Noelani is
shorter than her sisters and has a smaller face. She keeps her hair short
and usually tucks it behind her ears in an effort to make her face appear
bigger. She is slender with not that many curves and is often mistaken as
the youngest sister. Noelani likes to appear older than she is by wearing
traditional, muted colours in order to look more mature.
Personality: Noelani's name means 'Heavenly Mist' and refers
more to the weather on the day she was born than to any personality
traits. Noelani is far from mysterious. She is in fact very open and can't
keep secrets or lie to save her life. She often got into trouble because
of it and learned to just not bother with doing things on the sly. When
Noelani dreams, it is of sailing the seas.
Likes: Elegant items, Flowers and Maps.
Dislikes: People thinking she is young(est).
Pets: -

Like her sister Waiola, Noelani had not found a bond at
Lantessama Isle. And now that even Waiola had bonded, Noelani felt utterly
pressured into finding a dragon to call her own. And luckily the Academia
had not one but three clutches running simultaneous this time around.
Surely one of the hatchlings must be right for her?
Noelani was not used to the masses that went about in the Academia and
it's surroundings. Though for all intent purposes also acting like an
island, people came and went freely and there never seemed to be a quiet
moment during the day. Even the nights were busier than Noelani was used
to. But the best part about the Academia were ofcourse it's books and
libraries. She'd studied the many atlases for hours on end and was
currently trying to copy some of them as practice for later.
So it was almost with regret, that Noelani answered the call for the
candidates. After today her time at the Academia might just end. Would it
be worth it to be left standing once more? Noelani discarded that idea. If
she bonded she might very well return here freely. That was clearly the
better outcome.
So she straightened her back and tried to look dependable and ready to
raise a dragon.
"You do it so well." a loud voice
crashed inside her mind.
Shaking her head, Noelani found a bright brown and green striped dragon
with large orange wings standing in front of her.
"Use your indoor telepathic voice, Bizialth." she chided, "I can hear you
just fine."

Name: Bizialth
Gender: Male
*Colour: Brown-Green
*Rank: Mid (brown-sized)
*Species: Pernese Dragon
*Parents: Green
x Blue
Academia de
Magica (Dragon Pact)
*Image Credits: Mageling - Owner, Jabberwocky -
Shading/Shine, Kitelli - Shading, KaiserFlames - Lineart, Nomi - Colouring
Personality: Unfocused | Trusting | Supportive
*Unassisted Firebreath
*Elemental Breathweapon: Lightning

"You can do it!" Noelani encouraged her dragon who for
once needed her support.
"I don't know, do you think so?" he
"Definitely. You're a handsome man and quite a catch. Look at your
stripes. And you are such a nice guy too. Just... try not to lose focus.
That's your biggest flaw."
Bizialth nodded. His rider was right of course. They'd stuck together
through the training and he'd grown up big and strong. He was larger than
either of his parents and in the prime of his life. He should do his best
and then he might win. And if not he might just snack on those sweet rolls
Noelani had hidden in the back of their lair.... no, first he needed to
focus on flying!

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