
image made with Portrait
Name: Waiola
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Looks: Waiola is the
youngest of the four sisters and the most gawky. While her sisters have
grown up to be poised ladies, Waiola still feels a bit childish with her
ponytails and mismatched, colourful outfits. Waiola has a tanned skin,
bright green eyes and long, curly black hair. As the only one of her
sisters with curls, she's a bit conscious of them.
Personality: Waiola's name means violet but Waiola feels far
removed from either the pretty flowers or the spiritual colour. She is a
wild, energetic tomboy. There isn't a moment that her mind isn't planning
something to do and she can hardly concentrate on reading or crafting.
When she was young she liked to climb trees and dig holes, currently she'd
prefer to work on ships.
Likes: Construction, working with her hands
Dislikes: tedious and boring tasks
Pets: Yellow Ceadra Lei (m) from Gineya

Waiola had tried a couple of hatchings at Lantessama. Without a bond and
two of her sisters flaunting theirs, Waiola had felt her wild nature stir
and when one of the dragonriders had offered to take her on a trip to
Academia de Magica, she had gladly accepted. The tall, broad-shouldered
man with the orange dragon had clearly flirted with her and she had
returned his winks with a few of her own. In the end she had politely
declined his invitation for drinks and had told him she would go explore
on her own, promising to return around evening so they could go back.
Only Waiola did not make that appointment. Wandering around the city,
she'd been swept along in a crowd and had headed for - what else could it
be? - a hatching. Amused that her fate seemed to be to stand and wait for
a dragon to find her appealing, Waiola had leaned against the wall and
waited for the ordeal to be over once more.
Except this time she was approached.
"I can smell the sea on you." a
cream-teal-blue feathered dragon told her.
"That's because I've always lived on islands and I want to be a sailor."
she answered truthfully.
"So why are you here?"
"Because they won't let me do what I want."
Frustration ran clear in her words.
"With me they won't keep you away from the
A drizzle of rain and a cool breeze seemed to rise around her and somehow
Waiola realised that it was Papegara who had created them. Apparently the
academy was actually magic. She'd not believed that to be possible despite
the obvious rain.

Name: Papegara Ventul
Gender: Male
Colour: Cream-Dark Teal-Night Blue
Species: Mutt
Mehada Ventul x
Sevil Saden
Origin: Academia
de Magica (Dragon Pact)
Personality: Exotic and Self-Confident (sometimes to the point
of being stuck-up).
*Functional Magic
*Summon Rain
*Weather Magic

Waiola directed her skiff to where it needed to go. Above her, Papegara
turned the wind to help her get there faster. The dragon mutt had made her
lazy, but she couldn't imagine a life without him anymore. Waiola had
apologised to both Sovyl and her sisters for getting stuck on a different
planet. But in truth she hadn't really been sorry for the opportunities.
She figured her sisters knew that but what could they do? She'd done what
they had all aimed to aspire: bond a dragon.
And now that she was back on Khylar, her life felt better. Although, the
sea here was small, barely larger than a lake. And the islands of her
people felt cramped and narrow-minded.
"It's you who has changed." Papegara
"I know. I want to travel more. See the Nexus and all it has to offer.
Sail the stars!"
"So why don't we?"
A laugh escaped her, "Indeed why don't we!"

Background Images from 1-background.com