
Laedrys Trix had seen plenty of strange things occur on Lantessama Isle. But when a fog started to roll in, she was instantly on guard. Only a couple of years ago had they finally rid themselves of a shadow invasion and this fog seemed eerily reminiscent of those days. 
"Fear not. It is just the reindeer." Frynod, her peridot green dragon assured her.
"If you say so." she sent back, but kept looking at the fog nonetheless.
It had only been a fortnight since the reindeer clutches had been laid and though midwinter was approaching, it would be far too soon for those eggs to hatch. But as so often is the case, timing is everything and not a minute after the Laedrys had had that thought, she was alerted by one of the reindeer parents that any candidates and spectators would need to be on their way to the sands. Before Laedrys Trix could ask more, a summons, carried by the mental voices of all 6 reindeer dragons, was projected into the minds f everyone in the large vicinity. Chaos ensued as people dropped what they were doing and raced toward the sands, all of it true the rising fog and accompanied by the sounds of bells, chimes and carolling. 
"It is with great pride that we announce to you our children," the fireling hybrid Nola spoke.
"Though the clever workings of our combined magic we have ensured the ideal conditions for our eggs to hatch." the grey-purple Donner continued.
The icedeer Cedany scratched his feet across the floor and suddenly the sands and surrounding areas were frozen solid. People hardly managing to stay upright at the sudden change. The air turned to freezing and quite a few people huddled around Avarelle, who warmed up a 10 feet radius bubble all around her. Others ducked into their coats, blew their hands or suddenly found the need to embrace their neighbour. But no-one seemed to be in a bad mood because of the shift in the weather as I'haeryok spread her cheer and Fodyos added sparkling stars in the dark expanse of clouds above. 
Only then did Nola open up the portal to where their offspring was residing. Adult Reindeer dragons started to pour out, some one by one, others in groups, all colours of the rainbow were present as a big number of fur and wing configurations. All of them had antlers though. 
Early evening had faded into night and most of the spectators and candidates had drifted to the foodstands and fairgrounds. The sounds of skating, laughing and carolling still hung in the air. The group of IceLanders that wanted to bond was still waiting though. Some of the youths were starting to become a bit worried that none of them had yet bonded. Their parents, the bonds of the Reindeer Dragon parents and generally every dragonrider on Lantessama had wished them well and had believed that they would bond. The pressure was high and the air felt tense. Until suddenly bells and ringing sounded and a herd of reindeer appeared from out of the fog. Like the group that had headed for the Winter Gather earlier, these reindeer dragons were quite diverse in looks and sizes, but they all seemed to get along great. 
The first dragon to step forward was a bright blue reindeer dragoness with lots of coppery orange fur and a second set of small feathery wings on her tail. She smiled warmly as she reached the IceLanders and bowed slightly before Guryn.
"We have heard of your plight and we wish to join in your efforts to rescue your people from the ghost of the shadow. With our help, you'll surely be able to make a difference."
"Thank you..." Guryn stammered, "Iztele."
The young IceLander tsted the strange name on his tongue but he knew that it was right. 
The next dragon to step forward was white with glowing lights and black wings. His presence alone seemed to right some wrongs and so Havoy's eyes grew wide when this dashing deer made his way toward him.
"My name is Ukrashenie, Havoy."
"Nice to meet you." the mineral-lover answered, suddenly feeling like he might now know what a diamond looks like.
An equally furry and lightly coloured dragoness stepped up next. She fluttered her grey wings and swept her mane back but remained silent as she approached Durya. A light touch later and the girl knew that she had a bond.
"Her name is Yukiza." Durya told the others, "And she doesn't like talking."
"You'll talk enough for the both of you." Havoy remarked which earned him a close encounter with Yukiza's tail.
A bright green dragon with large antlers and lights on his wings walked toward Yavis, the young man who found himself wedged between the past and the present, afloat between heritage and progress and uncertain of where he needed to go. 
"You can always make your own way, others be damned." the green dragon whispered for only Yavis to hear.
He added for the others: "I'm Pinur and I choose Yavis."
A funny-looking grey dragon appeared next. he almost faded in the mist but it was hard to miss all the little black bowties he wore in his beard and mane. His large feathery wings seemed to swirl with smoke and his body was marked with black stripes. Twin tails lashed behind him. And he went for the most precocious girl and the youngest of the group.
"Xandrya, let's make sure we have fun together while we help your people."
The young girl gave her bond a sly smile and replied: "Of course, Zavan."
"Finally it's my turn." a bright purple dragoness with wings that seemed to shimmer in slightly different colours, said.
"Giye, you're the brains of this operation. I think great minds think alike and our minds might just be very great."
Giye couldn't help but chuckle at the faulty logic, but he also knew it was a joke and that his new bond was indeed very smart and very fast and very up to the task. It seemed the pressure wouldn't become any less by having bonded tonight.
A pink-golden, fragile-looking dragoness with long antlers and frail-looking wings stepped forward. Saryn wanted to move out of her way so she could reach Keryk who was the last remaining unbonded youth left, but the dragon followed her.
"It is you I seek, Saryn."
"But, I already have Lussak." she exclaimed, thinking of her dark brown winged wolf.
"So? We can get to know each other too, with some rules it'll all work out splendidly."
Saryn looked at Lussak who closed his eyes as if to say: "Don't look at me" and that was it. 
Another fragile-looking reindeer dragon appeared next. He'd been well-hidden by darkness and snow, but as he came closer it became clear that he was very slim, lightly blue with tiny antlers and a long tail. He did not have wings and his legs were long and spindly.
Some people might say that he looked weak and sickly, but Rygha knew better. She'd had her fair share of prejudice, even in such an open place as Lantessama. She knew that appearances could deceive. 
"It is so." Kiremiti agreed, "The world will know my powers eventually, but I won't brag before my powers are needed."
Not as surprised after Saryn had also bonded, Rygha turned toward Verani, her winged wolf and introduced them.
"We are very alike." Kiremiti remarked and with that the two looked at each other and nodded. 
It was a fragile-looking, bright green reindeer dragoness with a short mane and unusual wings that stepped up last. She cocked her head sideways and approached the last remaining IceLander, Keryk, with a spring in her step. All around her flowers started to bloom and snow melted away into water.
"My name is Sabzida and I herald the coming of spring." she said playfully as if she were making a joke. 
But her power was very real and would prove a big difference in the future of IceLand. 

Continue to Part 6: Reunion

STATS: [Koy] [Vaughny] [Yavis] [Theyan] [Giye] [Rakyu
[Yishia] [Renylde] [Keryk] [Havoy] [Durya] [Guryn] [Xandrya]

Lantessama Isle.