Clutching Story
Wind Feounha had tried to keep one eye on the door to the hatching cavern
but as usual she hadn't been able to keep her knight, Lixue, out. The
beautiful blonde woman, a former goddess, stepped closer to the eggs and
hummed approvingly.
"They're so beautiful."
"Asz beautiful asz you."
Feounha agreed.
"Jihan will be so angry that I got to see these."
"You're noth really sssupposed to."
Feounha chided.
"What's done is done. And I shall give these little ones my
blessing." Lixue said, her eyes glowing mysteriously in the shady room.
Lixue looked at Jihan and pouted. Jihan didn't even have to look at the
flighty goddess to know that she really wanted to get inside the deep cavern
to see the draklings before they came out. But he was making certain she
couldn't get in there unseen.
"It's protocol." he told her.
'You stick your protocol where..." Lixue muttered angrily.
She couldn't finish her sentence though because curses tended to carry
weight when the powerful uttered them. Lixue knew better than to curse in
front of Jihan. So she waited, and pouted.
Raf the high prince brought her some mineral water with a slice of lemon in
it. He'd even added one of those little umbrella's.
"Thank you." she smiled and then sipped while she waited.
The aspirants meanwhile, were coming in. Clearly someone hadn't done the pr
right since a clutch blessed by a goddess should have brought in more than
the three that were present.
There was Rahma, the girl from one of the sandy villages around Castle
DesCas. She was strong and just. She looked younger than her age but that
just meant she would age well. Next to her was Jaisukh, the darkskinned
scout with the sandy braid. They were proud and solitary but certainly
strong and able. And lastly there was Ac, the blonde medieval warrior from
earth. Ac and Rahma's pets seemed to be as impatient as Lixue was herself
because the spider and pruts looked like they were ready to munch on each
other. Though Lixue knew the spiders were herbivores she still doubted that
was true.
Finally, after what felt like eons but was honestly only half an hour, the
doors opened and Feounha led out her draklings. Lixue wasn't surprised that
there were three. She had seen the eggs after all and would have raised hell
if these three aspirants hadn't been enough.
Feounha raised her head and stretched her wings. She looked at her offspring
and proudly called out: "Diawha."
A female dark as night with bright golden wings took a step forward. She
stretched her hind legs one by one and then carefully made her way toward
"My name isz Diawha." she said, nodding her head.
Feounha didn't wait and called out "Jerawha."
A little white wind female with deep blue wings, a shade darker than those
of her mother, stepped toward the aspirants. She seemed to snicker and then
headed toward Jaisukh: "Jerawha lovezs
you." she smiled and then put her head on their hand.
Again Feounha didn't waste time as she called the last of her draklings
forward by calling his name: "Guhaaw."
The gold and silver hatchling had little choice left but didn't mind as he
went for the one he'd wanted.
"I will join you Ac." he said
and then did a small dip of his head before following his knight to the
waiting food.
Feounha returned to her knight and waited to be praised for her swift
performance. Lixue hugged her drak and whispered: "Sorry I couldn't
join you in there."
"I really misszed you in thsere." Feounha
**Lixue is a
bonafide goddess so you can expect your draks to have some advantage in
life. They could for instance be exceptionally lucky, charming, talented
etc. Lixue likes to meddle in matters of love so they might have an extra
advantage in flights as well.
Wind Feounha & Night
(f) & Night Diawha (f) - trained by Jihan & Night Wallendisaw
(nb) & Wind Jerawha (f) - trained by Lixue & Wind Feounha
(m) & Ore Guhaaw (m) - trained by Wim & Mud Fregiki (Knight)

(f) & Night Diawha (f)

(nb) & Wind Jerawha (f)

(m) & Ore Guhaaw (m)