Name: Ynu
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Description: Ynu is a lanky
young man, with shaggy brown hair, long arms and legs and a voice that
hasn't quite recovered from puberty and still sometimes rises without
warning. His skin is pale and prone to sunburns and since he's not used to
the heat he is usually red and sweaty. Ynu prefers to be alone, but he's
often around his two younger sisters to make certain they don't get into
trouble. He's very protective of them.
Hobbies: Walking in solitude, reading.
Skills: Calm contemplation and common sense.
Family: His parents work in the Weyr as supportive personnel. He
has two younger sisters, Asha and Asia.
Blue Aoee (m) from
Eriol Weyr
Bond: Brown Nirath from Alternate Benden

Rukbat’s gentle rays pressed against the aged stone of Benden’s
immense Bowl, but did little to alleviate the persistent winter chill.
Ynu and his sisters were working through one of the many chores they’d
been assigned since arriving in Benden. This morning they were cleaning
the herdbeast pens. It was something they'd helped with before but that
didn't help with the smell.
Suddenly though, Ynu and the other candidates were ushered back to the
barracks to change into their white robes. What followed was a chaotic
dash to make sure they were on time for the hatching. The three siblings
only made it in the knick of time. On the Sands, the first shell cracked
as Akyth thrummed a lyrical welcome, her pale hide glowing faintly in the
thin, wintery light. Danath settled at her side as the dark, wet nose of
their first hatchling peeked through. Eyes whirling a tranquil blue,
Danath added his own deep warble to that of the queen - the thrum picking
up as the hatchling struggled free. Determination seemed to be the
youngster’s trademark, as the little one finally spread their bronze
wings wide
More eggs were shaking, with a trio of greens bursting free to find their
intended while the female bronze eventually made her way up into the
Stands to choose her rider from among the spectators. Akyth seemed pleased
with herself, and gently nosed a small gathering of eggs that had been
shaking vigorously while the bronze made her selection. Before long,
another set of greens emerged, along with two browns. Initially, the
browns seemed to stare at each other for a long moment, then the lighter
of the two marched off to find his match in Ynu, announcing his name to be

Ynu worked with Nirath and felt that they were well-matched. The cooler
Northern climate agreed with him well and the training had taken some of
his clumsiness away and had filled out his frame. His hair remained on the
unruly side but some of the resident ladies had told him they found it
endearing and roguish. Ynu felt there were worse things he could be
His sisters had matured and had become adults in their own right and
though it stung a bit, it's not like they had listened to him much anyway.
But sometimes Ynu wondered what would happened next. Would they stay here
at Benden or would they be scattered around the globe?
"What does it matter when you can get to
them in the blink of an eye?" Nirath asked.
"I guess you're right. It's just we'd never been apart until we
impressed. And even then we had training together. But now we're about to
become full-fledged dragonriders."
"They'll still be your strength."
Nirath told him wisely, "You'll always be
their big brother."
"As you are the big brother of their bonds." Ynu winked.
"That I am. But I'm not really interested in
them." Nirath admitted.
Sure they had hatched from the same clutch, but dragons sought a mate, not
a familial bond. Getting his over-protective rider to release his worry
about his sisters might be a good start for them to start looking for a
suitable pair. And nothing said they had to find the right one of the
Lantessama Isle