Name: Asha
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Description: Blonde-haired and
brown-eyed, Asha certainly isn't unattractive as a girl-next-door type.
She is the youngest in the family and feels as if she needs to do just as
good as her brother and sister, but she wants that now. On a rational
level she knows they have more experience because they're older, but on an
emotional level she feels a bit inadequate. Which is why she hides behind
a facade of indifference.
Hobbies: Brooding.
Skills: Though she doesn't use it much, Asha has a good singing
Family: Her parents work in the Weyr as supportive personnel. She has
an older brother, Ynu and sister, Asia.
Pet: Brown Nari (m) from
Bond: Blue Sidareth from Alternate Benden

Rukbat’s gentle rays pressed against the aged stone of Benden’s
immense Bowl, but did little to alleviate the persistent winter chill.
Asha and her siblings were working through one of the many chores they’d
been assigned since arriving in Benden. This morning they were cleaning
the herdbeast pens. It was something they'd helped with before but that
didn't help with the smell.
Suddenly though, Asha and the other candidates were ushered back to the
barracks to change into their white robes. What followed was a chaotic
dash to make sure they were on time for the hatching. The three siblings
only made it in the knick of time. On the Sands, the first shell cracked
as Akyth thrummed a lyrical welcome, her pale hide glowing faintly in the
thin, wintery light. Danath settled at her side as the dark, wet nose of
their first hatchling peeked through. Eyes whirling a tranquil blue,
Danath added his own deep warble to that of the queen - the thrum picking
up as the hatchling struggled free.
Asha watched in wonder as the hatchlings broke from their shells and
impressed. Ynu impressed early on and did well with a brown. And then a
little while later Asia impressed a pale green hatchling that was part of
a twin. One after the other the hatchlings impressed and none had even so
much as looked at her. Fear gripped her heart. Some of the more unusual
colours in the clutch were still waiting. Asha knew when she noticed the
reactions, that not all of the people could see the colours as they
appeared for her. She didn't know why that was happening. Although, maybe
it had something to with how Astrid had insisted that her dragon, Ravith,
was white. She hadn't been of course, she resembled the pale pink
hatchling that had just hatched. A bright orange hatched only moments
later. Could she hope one of them would find her worthy? But that didn't
seem likely. She was a plain Pernese girl after all.
Still, she looked hopefully as the dawn-coloured hatchling went from egg
to egg, nuzzling each and urging them to hatch. And as the dawn hatchling
waited for one of the last eggs to hatch, Asha found herself eyed by a
light blue hatchling that looked like a misty sky. He couldn't have been
prettier and he was hers.
"My name is Sidareth." he
told her.

Sidareth followed Asha as she walked toward the training grounds. They
were just about finished with training but Asha had always been one to put
in extra effort if it meant she could get ahead. After months of training
it would feel strange to have all that freedom while looking for an
While walking, she once more noticed that not everyone knew how many
different coloured dragons were in attendance. She'd been careful with her
questions but had noticed that even her brother and sister didn't see
them. But Sidareth did. So it wasn't something exclusively hers.
"It's the magic." Sidareth
told her.
"You never told me that before." Asha replied.
"I was under orders not to."
the light blue admitted, "But the magic
doesn't seem to work on you."
"Cool." Asha remarked, finally something she did better than her
"But it is hard to not talk about it."
"You could with some of the others."
Sidareth remarked.
"But what if they're surprised that I know and try to do something
about it? I don't want to be spelled again. What if it sticks and I won't
see your beautiful colour anymore?"
"I'm just a regular blue though."
Sidareth told her.
"No way. You're a misty sky blue." Asha insisted.
"We could always move off-world."
Sidareth told her matter-of-factly, leaving Asha wide-eyed and mouth
"There are other worlds?!"
"Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said
that." Sidareth chuckled, "But
yes, lots of the riders here come from different worlds. Some of them have
dragons, others house stranger things."
"Maybe I should." Asha mused.
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