Lot's Labyrinth

General Information:
Lot's Labyrinth is a large area that starts out as a coral reef and then morphs into a
labyrinthine series of caverns. Young Ocean Fae have to spend some time in this area as a rite of passage. While not all return, there are never any remains found inside, leading to the belief that the Fates are truly governing the maze and relocating some youths they find especially promising.
Ocean Fae start out as true hermaphrodites. While they grow and learn, they start to form a sense of self that will only emerge completely after they have undergone the Lot's Labyrinth trial. Though some fae identify strongly with either the male or female gender, there are also plenty who remain undecided even after they're considered adults. Though there is no social gain or shame to get from remaining a hermaphrodite, the biological side of things means that these individuals are usually less fertile than the ones who pick a distinct gender because of hormonal imbalances. 


Above water the hot and humid day was turning into a broody, dark night. Lights flashed across the ocean and a sudden deluge of rain chased the heat away, drenching the beach and forest. Below the surface of the water, all remained the same. The water was cool and comforting. The sounds were dampened and the light was dim.
But to those living below the surface, there was no need for extra light. Sensitive irises picked up enough light to lead the way. Raushiel tried not to make noise. Every step he took seemed to crash as loud as the thunder above, but apparently no-one else was close enough to hear his descent to the gates that guarded the Lot's Labyrinth. There were no actual guards present. The doors and mysterious stories served as barrier to those young and foolish. Each year, young ocean fae were allowed to take the trial. Most fae returned to the entrance, after which they were considered adults, but each year some of the fae were lost, never to return.
Raushiel had missed his proper chance of entering. He'd fallen gravely ill after a hideous accident involving a whale and a crushed head. Thinking still required extra effort and he walked with a limp. The back of his head had the scars to prove his story though he couldn't remember what had happened during those months he'd been between life and death. Afterwards he remembered all too well how difficult it had been to get back up on his feet, to learn to do the things he'd taken for granted. But he had done it. And today he would prove that he was as good as any other. That he too could survive this rite into adulthood.
Raushiel pushed at the doors and with a groan, they allowed him entry. He would not hesitate, there was no time to dawdle. His eyes adjusted to the even darker caverns and he ducked in, letting the doors fall closed behind his back.

Day broke in the sky above, the heavy rains chased away by the rays of the sun. Under the water a minimum brightening of the surroundings was all that signaled the day had come. The temperature in the depths remained a constant and none below realised how hot the day would become on the surface as they were headed deeper down, to the doors of the ancient Labyrinth. Youthful hermaphrodite fae and their parents, people of different status and profession. Each year the rite had a decent audience as people loved to celebrate the promise of new adult lives beginning.
A careful observer might notice that the
officials were slightly off when they noticed that the doors had already been opened. But these fae had seen a lot and it certainly wasn't the first time a few of the youngsters had broken in early. It really didn't matter as the trial wasn't a race. So they did not mention it and continued with their speech. Some of the assembled listened religiously while others were too excited and some too easily bored to pay attention. But as soon as the doors opened, the group of young fae swarmed inside. 

Ezriel confidently strode away of the others. Some formed groups while others first tried to get their bearings. Ezriel knew that without a map neither would be all that advantageous. There was safety in numbers, but one wrong move and a 'friend' could drag you down with them. Ezriel preferred to rely on their own knowledge and prowess. After a few minutes they were virtually alone, no living sound reaching their ears. They had a strategy of course, a well-thought out plan that would help them find which route to take at branches in the path.
Although the rite to adulthood wasn't a race, Ezriel knew they would only be satisfied if they returned as one of the first. None of the adults were allowed to speak about their own trials, at least not until Ezriel had gone through it themself. So Ezriel really had no idea about what was to happen here. Only that they needed to get to the center of the labyrinth, which was how they had formed his plan. Once there they would learn what to do next.
Instinctively taking the routes that kept them going in a rather straight line, Ezriel still had to backtrack at some instances. So when they suddenly entered a large chamber with a distinct interior, they weren't quite certain if they'd reached his goal. It certainly wasn't like anything they'd expected...

Hizaiel kept to herself. She'd had no shortage of offers, usually from aspiring lovers, to go with her but she'd never liked that kind of attention. Not one of them had seemed sincere and none had looked as if they actually wanted her help. Getting away from the crowd instantly made her feel better. At least now she could take her time and do her own thing, just the way she preferred.
The young fae with the good looks walked on, taking turns haphazardly. She had no real strategy, she would get to the center eventually and she hoped getting back would be easier. Only now and then some people were reported lost, but a lot of them might have just run away. If not for the understanding of her parents, Hizaiel might even entertain the idea of never going back as well.
When she turned the next corner, she reached a small alcove with a dead end... and a depressed-looking fae. Hizaiel contemplated going back the way she came before he noticed her, but there was something about him that made her feel as if she should at least ask if he was okay. He seemed older than her by a few years, making her wonder if he'd been lost here for the past couple of years.
"Are you okay?" she asked, keeping a safe distance in case she needed to get away.
Raushiel looked up and it took a while to realise what was happening. He'd walked the entire night and now he was hungry and tired. The young fae in front of him had an unusual tanned skintone and red hair. She looked like someone he knew from the broadcasts but he wasn't certain.
"I'm just hungry and tired." he finally said slowly, "Do I know you?"
"How long have you been here?" Hizaiel asked.
"Since last night. I thought getting in early would help me. That didn't work."
"Oh." Hizaiel answered relieved, "I can share some nori-bars with you." she offered.
Raushiel hesitated, "Don't you need them?"
But when Hizaiel still held them in her outstretched hand, he took them gratefully and ate them with a few bites. They tasted like the best food he'd had in years and he smiled at the other fae.
"Thank you."
Hizaiel nodded and started to leave but Raushiel gathered his courage and said: "Can I come with you? I clearly can't do this on my own."
"Okay." Hizaiel nodded and waited for Raushiel to join her.

Without anything to indicate the time inside the labyrinth it was hard to tell just how long they'd already been inside. It felt like ages and not that long at the same time. The unchanging scenery of stony walls bringing a sense of boredom. But this was not enough to dissuade a trio of young fae who were intent on reaching the center. They had joined up early on, being of a similar mind.
"We must be getting closer." Veraniel said.
The pale-skinned, green-haired girly fae very much an optimist. She'd been talking a lot and had passed around some of her own hand-mixed drinks when they'd gotten thirsty. And though she was an apothecary apprentice, being praised for her cocktails was also very rewarding. Especially if maybe one day she would seduce her future husband with one of them.
"You've been saying that since our second turn." Lurobiel joked.
The tall and blond-haired fae wanted to be an adventurer and she knew Veraniel would never make it. But that was okay since the girl had other options available to her. Lurobiel on the other hand knew that most of the work she'd be doing in the future would be boring. Training, routine jobs, but once in a while things might just get interesting and she enjoyed the outlook of that.
While the two other fae talked, a third, with a dark complexion and a more masculine feel, stood back. Sobrandiel had always been one to observe. He'd grown up in a large family and was still looking for his place in the world. unlike Lurobiel and Veraniel, he didn't know yet what he'd do with his life. But he wasn't too concerned about that yet. His focus today was centered on doing his best. Which was why he had no problem interrupting the two others:
"Hey, do you see that faint outline of a door?"
"What outline?" Veraniel asked and crowded in front of the place Sobrandiel had indicated.
"This one!" Lurobiel exclaimed as she found a latch and a door swung open.
"I didn't even know there would be secret passages." Veraniel said excitedly.
"I wonder where it leads." Sobrandiel mused.
"There's only one way to find out." Lurobiel grinned.

Hizaiel nearly jumped into Raushiel's arms when a block of stone moved and pushed out into the hallway. Three dusty fae rushed out and quickly closed the hatch behind them.
"I'm never going back into one of those secret passages." Veraniel vowed.
Lurobiel laughed out loud and said: "It was only a couple of sea creatures."
"More than a couple and they were fiercely defensive." Veraniel responded curtly.
Sobrandiel held back, nodding in greeting to the two other fae standing in the hallway. Hizaiel nodded back, followed by Raushiel who'd taken a little longer to make sense of the situation. He wandered to the wall, fingering the faint line where the door had been.
"Careful!" Lurobiel warned, "The latch is somewhere around there and you really don't fancy meeting the jellies we fled from.
Veraniel shuddered and so did Hizaiel who could imagine what the three had gone through. The slimy texture of jellyfish was not something she liked.
"But we must really be getting closer." Veraniel insisted.
"I haven't been here." Raushiel supplied.
"That's a good sign." Hizaiel responded and then explained vaguely: "Raushiel's been here a little longer."

Ezriel was still stumped. The message read clear:

Many a gateway will lead you forth
some to a future you desire
others to a fate uncalled
take the plunge and pick a wire

In the room thousands of ropes, wires and ribbons hung from the walls and ceiling. Some entangled, others quite separate from all the others. But all of them led to a simple door. But how did one choose the best? Ezriel wanted to pick the right one. Frozen such, the others found them.
"Are you okay?" Hizaiel asked.
Coming to their senses, Ezriel found 5 other fae gathered in the room. All this doubt had led to nothing. Still, the others eyed them, looking for signs of problems.
"I don't know which to choose." Ezriel admitted and pointed at the message.
Everyone looked around. There was nothing to give away which rope or wire would be better. So Raushiel did what was asked and picked up one that he found appealing. The cord was plain yet sturdy.
"I want to be as strong as this rope." he said out loud.
He took a deep breath and headed for the door, passing through.
"I can't see him anymore." Veraniel said, sounding a bit worried.
"Well there's no use trying to follow him." Lurobiel shrugged as she'd noticed the sturdy cord had vanished just the same.
"Let's all pick a cord and go ahead." Sobrandiel suggested.
The dark-skinned fae looked around and found a cord that wound it's way through the entire room, connecting with many others. He wanted to be like that cord, touching the lives of many. Likewise the others chose too. Veraniel picked a lovely pink ribbon that seemed to sparkle in the little light that was present. Lurobiel took hold of a metal thread that ran in wild arches across the room. Hizaiel parted a mass of cords to take hold of a muted grey one that had been hidden from sight and finally Ezriel took hold of a white thread that, although frayed at the edges, seemed to still shine with lustre.
The remaining five fae then walked toward the door and stepped through.

"What took you guys so long?" Raushiel asked as the others emerged on the other side of the door.
Although, when looking back, there was no longer a door to be seen. But Raushiel had never doubted that the others would come. Though the waters were clearly different, it wasn't unpleasant and there was plenty of life around. Raushiel had even sensed some peculiar large beings that seemed like nothing he'd ever met before.
It didn't take long for those big lifeforms to approach the six ocean fae.
"Welcome to Vallen Cove! You're just in time too!"



Lantessama Isle
Background image taken at Loch Lomond (Scotland)