formerly known as Sparky

image made with Picrew

Name: Sparky Ruby
Age: 14
Gender: Asexual
SpeciesSagan Nymph
Origin: Nidus Caelestis (on planet Saga)

Description: Nymphs have large ear fins that usually display their mood and a flexible dorsal-fin that runs down the length of their spine. They have webbing between their fingers and elongated toes. Nymphs are naturally devoid of sex organs and secondary sex characteristics.
     *Skintone: tanned
     *Hair colour: red (dye, natural white)
     *Eye colour: blue contacs (natural grey)
Preferred Habitat/Climate: humid, warm

Personality: Acts all cool and big but is a kid at heart. They're searching for a place to belong and act in a way they feel will help them fit in. One day they'll find out what they're really like and then they'll probably change their name to something a little less hero sidekick.
Social Background: Nymphs rarely know their parent, and the nuclear family structure is foreign and culturally irrelevant to them. They may form "found families" with others either within or outside their species, though! Nymphs choose their own names based on their professions, skills, or interests. A Nymph may change their name many times throughout their life - if it doesn't vibe, they don't keep it!
Interests: Super heroes! Lightning! Fire!

     *Amphibious: All Nymphs are able to survive both underwater and on land. They are
less comfortable in dry climates.


Sparky stood in the water with all the bravado his young self could muster at the thought of bonding a dragon. They'd see some of the hatchlings from previous clutches and every dragon was just amazing. Some had horns, some had wings, some were long while others were more rotund. All of these dragons had adapted in different ways and somehow that made Sparky long to be with them even more. To be like them even more.
The nymph watched as eggs hatched into small dragons who swam and looked for their future. Some bonded, others waited. A duo of dragons finally made their way toward the young nymph. One was a vibrant fiery red with golden fins, the other an electrified purple tinged with blue. Both had horns and flippered feet.
Some of these sea dragons talked. But neither of this duo made an attempt to speak to Sparky. Instead their mind was bombarded with words and images.
"You're mine!"
"I don't care, I'm just along for the ride."
"You may be my sister but I don't share."
"That's up to your bond to decide. So why don't we ask?"
Sparky tried to make sense of it. Was he bonding not one but two dragons?
"No! No chance in hell! You're mine and mine alone."
"I'd be glad to have you....?"
"Praxuss Sesske." the sunset sea dragon replied.
"And I'm Jurronss Sesske." the purple dragoness replied, "I don't intend to bond just yet but I need care. You seem like you'd have enough energy to care for the both of us. Besides, you have your friends and I know they'll help you." she added with all her eloquence.
Sparky was done in easily by the praise and soon Praxuss was made to bear the presence of a sibling. They just hoped she would grow up quickly.

Name: Praxuss Sesske
Gender: Bigender (can both sire and bear young at the same time, offspring inherit this feature 1/2 of the time)
Species: Alskyrian Sea - Old Cascatan Asandus

Parents: Kaaranouss x Dialess Sesske
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Description: Weighty Noodle. Hide skin with heavy blubber layer underneath. Four legs with 4 long webbed digits, capable of walking on land though not gracefully. Two fairly pronounced wing nubs, incapable of any flight but aid in underwater maneuvering. Head has two long back-pointing horns, pupiled eyes. Neck has crest which is connected via skin-covered spines and is fairly short. Dorsal Ridge similarly connected and is short but present. Massive tail fin
     Colours: Sunset
     Size: 55' long
Personality: Impudent
     * Underwater Breathing (6)
     * Water Adapted (6)
     * Water Manipulation (6)
     * Deep Swimming (5)
     * Teleport (5)
     * Portal opening (4)
     * Telepathy (4)
     * Water Requirement (4)
     * Water Breath Weapon (3)
     * Sonic Blast (3)
     * Verbal Speech (2)
     * Chirpsong (2)
     * Shift (1) -> carried, not expressing
     * Air Breath Weapon (1) -> very weak


Time ticked on and grew from a few grains to a heap of (wet) sand. Sparky had given up their childhood name and had taken on a more grown-up alias. Ruby seemed to suit them. They still loved the colour red after all. They'd managed juggling the care of two dragons but had needed a lot of help from others; At first that'd seemed like failure but along the way Ruby had learned that you should just be grateful for any help offered.
"Aren't you sad that she's gone?"
Jurronss had returned to Twoarth just a few weeks ago but Ruby missed her sharp remarks and snide comments.
"Not at all, it's finally quiet around here!" Praxuss huffed, but there wasn't really any anger in the sentiment.
"I think you do miss her. Maybe she'll visit later."
"And get us stuck with caring for another hatchling, I bet."
"I honestly don't think I'd mind." Ruby shrugged.
In fact they'd been toying with the idea of opening an animal care center. A sanctuary or maybe just a pension. Maybe a little bit of both. They'd come to love caring for others. Making it their profession didn't seem all that bad a deal.
"I'll let her know she is welcome to come back." Praxuss sighed.


[STORY] * [


Lantessama Isle
Background from