Jurronss Sesske
Purple Shapeshifter

Name: Jurronss Sesske
Gender: Female
Species: Alskyrian Sea - Old Cascatan Asandus
Kaaranouss x Dialess Sesske
The Healing Den
Description: Weighty Noodle. Hide skin with heavy
blubber layer underneath. Four legs with 4 long webbed digits, capable of
walking on land though not gracefully. Two stunted wing nubs, incapable of
any flight but aid in underwater maneuvering. Head has two long
back-pointing horns, pupiled eyes. Neck crest has single skin spine and is
high and sharp. No Dorsal Ridge on back, it starts at hips. Tailfin s
quite swept upward
Colours: Purple
Size: 40' long Personality:
a Cynical, Articulate disposition
* Telepathy (6)
* Shapeshifting (6)
* Water Adapted (5)
* Water Manipulation (5)
* Sonic Blast (4)
* Underwater Breathing (4)
* Chirpsong (3)
* Teleport (3)
* Deep Swimming (3)
* Portal opening (4)
* Water Breath Weapon (2)
* Genrehop (2)
* Unassisted Firebreath (2)
* Verbal Speech (1)

image made with Portrait
Jurronss saw her sibling head
for their bond. The young humanoid was definitely aquarian and they looked
to be fun and quirky. It didn't take the young purple sea dragoness long
to decide that this was the one she would entrust her care to. There were
others of course but this one had an energy about them that zapped and
crackled in an alluring way.
Neither of this duo made an attempt to speak to Sparky. Instead their mind
was bombarded with words and images.
"You're mine!"
"I don't care, I'm just along for the ride."
"You may be my sister but I don't share."
"That's up to your bond to decide. So why don't
we ask?"
Sparky tried to make sense of it. Was he bonding not one but two dragons?
"No! No chance in hell! You're mine and mine
"I'd be glad to have you....?"
"Praxuss Sesske." the sunset sea
dragon replied.
"And I'm Jurronss Sesske." the purple
dragoness replied, "I don't intend to bond just
yet but I need care. You seem like you'd have enough energy to care for
the both of us. Besides, you have your friends and I know they'll help
you." she added with all her eloquence.
Sparky was done in easily by the praise and soon Jurronss was headed to
their home along with the other nymphs that had bonded.
It probably angered
Praxuss that she was the only one that had inherited their paternal
grandmother's shapeshifting genes. Praxuss could not leave the water but
Jurronss could and she had often done so to tease her sibling after she'd
first found out that she could in fcat shapeshift. She'd been a child and
had been much smaller than the form she could take now. She could also
keep it up much longer although she did it less. Part of it was that she
did not get as much a kick out of it as before. Maybe that was a sign that
she was growing up. Part of it was maybe that she had been prolonging her
stay at Nidus Caelestis. It was peaceful and safe here. But the time of
her return to Twoarth was fast approaching.
Jurronss had intended to bond another dragon shifter from the moment she'd
learned she was one. She wanted to be on equal footing with her partner.
There was so much that could go wrong and a heart was a precious, fragile
gift to offer to another. Her thoughts returned to the spiral they'd been
caught in for days:
"Life is a fluke, there's so much that can go
"Staying here is just running away."
"Staying here is staying content and safe."
"Quit your whining and go already!"
Jurronss found her siblin Praxuss floating nearby.
"You're depressing me. Just get on with it and
leave me and Ruby be!"
"Don't come crying back to me when Ruby misses
me." Jurronss returned icily.
"As if!"
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Background from 1-background.com