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Name: Seaglass
Age: 19
Gender: Asexual
SpeciesSagan Nymph
Origin: Nidus Caelestis (on planet Saga)

Description: Nymphs have large ear fins that usually display their mood and a flexible dorsal-fin that runs down the length of their spine. They have webbing between their fingers and elongated toes. Nymphs are naturally devoid of sex organs and secondary sex characteristics.
     *Skintone: bronzed
     *Hair colour: green (dye, natural white)
     *Eye colour: gold contacs (natural grey)
Preferred Habitat/Climate: humid, warm

Personality: Creative Seaglass loves to make art. They like to experiment with colour and materials. They also love to meddle with others in real life and love gossip and hearing stories.
Social Background: Nymphs rarely know their parent, and the nuclear family structure is foreign and culturally irrelevant to them. They may form "found families" with others either within or outside their species, though! Nymphs choose their own names based on their professions, skills, or interests. A Nymph may change their name many times throughout their life - if it doesn't vibe, they don't keep it!
Interests: Art! Naturally created glass! Colours!

     *Amphibious: All Nymphs are able to survive both underwater and on land. They are
less comfortable in dry climates.
     *Dexterous, especially fine motory skills


Nalessuk didn't like waiting. He was a dragon of Action! He felt that his bond was close but somehow they weren't running to come to him. How could they not know? The lengthy green dragon with the large crest and jagged fins sent water sailing through the air, hitting his target with precision.
Seaglass, the Sagan Nymph who had in fact been mesmerised by some local artwork, was instantly made aware that their attention should be elsewhere. Annoyed and troubled, the creative nymph looked around and saw a dragon that matched the deep green of their hair. Seaglass loved the colour and her mind instantly paid attention to where it should.
"It's about time you noticed me!" Nalessuk huffed, "You made me wait!"
The dragon sounded very affronted, almost as if he could not imagine anyone not paying attention to them.
"I'm sorry." Seaglass said, "I just get distracted by pretty things."
"Well, there's nothing better than me so you better get your act together."

Name: Nalessuk
Gender: Male
SpeciesAquatic Alskyrian-Pernese
Parents: Kaaranouss x Hitasuk
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Description: Long and slinky noodle, slightly gangly legs. Hide skin with scale-like patterns, they are not scaled/fishy. Four legs with three digits all webbed. Head with tall sharp crest supported by single spine, 'ear' fins with single spine, may have faceted eyes but mainly pupiled. Dorsal ridge with large sharp triangular shapes. Tail Very Long, ends in large jagged fin.
Head more boxy and short, fins have distinct horn/spine support. Dorsal ridge begins at shoulders. Legs have no visible claws, does have four legs. Has two short wing nubs near hips that may breed out within 1 generation with non-winged partner, but may also contribute to buttwings. Is Mostly Tail, the visible portion of body and hind legs goes waaaaay down...

     Colours: Seaglass Green
     Size: 30' long
Personality: Wild and Impulsive
     * Chirpsong (6)
     * Genrehop (6)
     * Deep Swim (5)
     * Water Adapted (5)
     * (unassisted) Firebreath (4)
     * Verbal Speech (4)
     * Water Manipulation (4)
     * Water Breath Weapon (4)
     * Water Requirement (3)
     * Sonic Blast (3)
     * Extraordinarily Strong, takes a lot of damage before showing weakness (3)
     * Teleport (2)
     * Telepathy (2)


Seaglass was busy working. Getting the shop "Dragon ores" in working order was taking a lot of work but it would all be worth it. Who would have ever thought they'd have their own shop? And of course, Seaglass provided a lot of the beads and gems that were put in the jewellery.
"We should probably plan another trip to look for more." Seaglass mused.
Nalessuk noticed the pronoun and felt smug. His bond was no longer attempting to go off alone. They were a team. He'd proven himself with his good swimming, his water manipulation and his sonic blast that help excavate larger pieces. His general demeanour meant he was adventurous and his build made him agile.
"I know a place with nice shells." Nalessuk whispered.
"Oh, and you didn't share this information earlier?"
"It's a secret so it's safe."
"I thought were weren't keepig secrets."
"Maybe it was more of a surprise."
Seaglass grinned, "You better show me!"


[STORY] * [


Lantessama Isle
Background from