*Candidate Story*
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& Dragons*

All images found with google search engine.
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the Black Dragon to WonderLand
"We're here!" Draca said with that same strange voice Daniel had
heard before. When they had all gotten from her back she changed back into
her human form. That strange face with the dragon tattoo that seemed a lot
more normal in daylight.
"Where is here?" Reggie asked, his practical self again after
the first shock.
"Darkling Dawn buddy. The place of the dragons."
"You mean you weren't kidding?"
"And this from a man who just took a trip through between, elsewhere,
or however you call that blackness on the back of a dragon that he knew as
a regular 'normal' girl. You are in wonderland know Alice!"
Ravenna smiled. "That's a good name for you Alice."
"Don't start!"
"What do they want from us?" Nathaniel asked the question that
everyone wanted to ask, but no-one dared.
"You are supposed to wait until the eggs hatch and hope one of the
dragons wants you as his rider. That's how it has always been. I do some
freelance searching to pay for my travelling. You wouldn't believe how
many different currencies they have at these nexus places!"
"Places?" Daniel asked, "There are more of these dragon
"Yeah, a good deal more. In fact, I'm betting one would be foolish
enough to take Cinderella and Alice here as candidates. I'll check with
weyrwoman Teah and she'll see you guys off. I'll have to go soon before
I'm missed.
The tall girl with the impossible silver hair that seemed to be real now
that they had seen the rest of her shifted back to her dragon form and
flew up to one of the highest caverns.
Not long after they could see a woman gliding down upon a gold
dragon. The dragon elegantly landed on a vacant field in their
neighbourhood and the woman got of her mount.
"Don't you think it's strange that the leader of the place is coming
to speak with us?" Ravenna asked.
"Who says she's the leader?" Nathaniel asked.
"Well, Draca did. She went to check with her so she is
"Maybe she's just in charge of newcomers." Nathaniel shrugged.
"Yeah and that's why she rides a gold dragon, the first one we see
here. You can be sure she's the leader."
By then the woman had reached them. "Good day Everyone. My name is
weyrwoman Teah and Eoth is my dragon. She asked if anyone is in need of
candidates and we got a lot of replies. I thin, it will be first come
first serve."
Suddenly a cold wind picked up and a blue dragon appeared out of nothing.
It spiralled down as fast as it could.
"Ryslen by the looks of it." weyrwoman Teah remarked. I'd
figured they were closest at this time of year.
"Is there anything special about this time of year?" Daniel
"Not really, but what else can you say when you notice some
searchriders coming sooner at certain times? Maybe they time it."
This of course made no sense at all to the 4 earthlings. But the blue
dragon had landed by then so there was no time.
"Am I first?" the young man shouted from the back of his dragon?
"Yes, Welcome to Darkling Dawn."
"See Amitath! I told you we would be first." The man jumped from
his blue and introduced himself. "I'm J'rin from Ryslen and this is
For a moment there was silence and then J'rin continued. "You
two?" When Ravenna and Reggie nodded he continued, "Amitath is
always right."
"Before they go I'd like them to have something of Darkling
Dawn." Weyrwoman Teah said. She opened up a basket that had been
hidden in the wide pockets of her dress. In it lay a batch of small eggs.
"Something new we've been playing with. It wouldn't hurt to see how
they'd do in Ryslen."
"What's in them?" Reggie asked suspicious.
"Only rukels." weyrwoman Teah replied innocent.
"I'm not taking one." Reggie said.
Ravenna sighed. Stubborn man. "I'll take one."
"Can I have one too?" Daniel asked.
"Sure. We've got plenty."
At the end even Nathaniel had an egg. But Reggie kept refusing. "No,
I'm not taking an egg without knowing what is in it. And certainly not if
it contains a pet."
Not long after the eggs started hatching, awoken by the warmth of the
hands of the humans.

Daniel's white female Ingryd

Nathaniel's red male Letvin

Ravenna's yellow male Milan
"You see how cute they
are?" Ravenna asked Reggie.
"I don't see what the fuss is about."
"I don't like you either!" Ravenna's yellow male suddenly
shouted and then became silent again.
"They talk?" Daniel asked.
"Yes. When they feel like it. If you take good care of them they'll
stay with you for as long as they live." weyrwoman Teah said
"Now I'm sure I don't want one, I don't need anyone talking back in
the mornings." Reggie answered and got away as far as possible from
the little winged cats.
Darkling Dawn
"Are you ready to go?"
J'rin asked.
Ravenna looked back at Nathaniel and Daniel. How strange that you can
trust people so fully in so short a time when they are the only ones you
know. But they would stay here and Ravenna still hadn't seen enough to be
satisfied. She waved and smiled at the two brothers. "Yes I am."
Reggie, like always felt it wouldn't be right to leave the two here
without some words to cheer them up. Especially the younger of the two,
Daniel looked kind of lost.
"I count on you to sue these dragons if one eats me!" he shouted
and made a goofy face. That got two reactions. First there was the thwap
of a large blue dragon tail on his back and a grin from Daniel that made
it all worthwhile.
"You see! It won't be long for they kill me!" he shouted acting
deeply worried.
They all laughed and felt better. "I'll see you guys soon!"
Reggie called and followed Ravenna and Milan onto the blue searchdragon that would
take them to Ryslen.
Amitath crouched down and then leapt into the air. He flew up high and
then vanished mid air.
"What would have happened to us if I hadn't agreed to your offer to
go to the Rave?"
"I think Draca would have found us anyway. She was paid... I've got
the feeling she is good at what she does."
"Where would she be at the moment?"
"I've heard her say she is going to try out for a dragon too. Someone
to keep her company when she isn't searching. She said something about a
place called Lantessama as a good base for her job."
"I hope I'll see her again some time." Daniel said.
"Me too." Nathaniel said, not really understanding what his
younger brother meant.
to Draca's Story