*Candidate Story*
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& Dragons*

All images found with google search engine.
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Getting In
"Are you sure they'll let me in?" Daniel asked.
"Yeah, I know someone." Nathaniel said.
Daniel hastily looked around and acted very suspicious. He wasn't used to
going out late. He certainly had never thought he'd once go to the Rave. No,
the Rave was the coolest dancing in the city and you needed to either look
like a moviestar, or be one to get in.
"My age won't be a problem?" Daniel asked, he was only 17.
"Normally it would, but I'm not getting you in through the front. We're going
in the back way."
Nathaniel pulled his brother away from the line and scuttled as fast as he
could into, the dark alleys behind the dancing. He had been here many times
and knew where he should go. Daniel was so naive. Nathaniel knew his brother
looked up to him, but even he wouldn't get into the Rave without
Daniel looked up as they passed under the large purple raven that was the
logo of the club. From up close the bird looked crooked, sinister. But that
was just the light and the excitement.
Finally they reached a door. It was a fire exit, it could only be opened
from within. Nathaniel knocked 5 times and waited. It didn't take long for
the door to open. Daniel took a step back when he saw the face that opened
the door. He could barely recognise a human face. When he looked closer he
noticed he was looking at a girl with an elaborate tattoo on her face. It
was a dragon ranging from her neck to her eye where it's mouth seemed to
hold her eye.
"Daniel, this is Draca."
"Finally! you made it." the girl said impatiently with the
weirdest voice Daniel had ever heard. It sounded almost like there was fire
burning deep inside her that whispered the words before she spoke them.
Nathaniel shrugged, "It wasn't easy to get here unseen."
"No, there are many people in the Rave today. Almost like they
"Know what?" Daniel asked.
"Nothing. I shouldn't have said that. Come in." Draca said.
Daniel swallowed and followed the girl. That smile hadn't looked good at
all. It looked like the smile of a cat right before it devoured the mouse in
it's whole. But Nathaniel was behind him so he couldn't back out of it.
Besides, it wouldn't be fair against his brother to quit now... And not all
the girls would be like Draca, there'd be more normal ones... maybe even
ones he liked.
Ravenna walked out her apartment
building and let the door slam into the lock. She shivered in the spring
night air and looked up at the vaguely orange purple sky. She smiled at the
absent stars and started walking toward the Rave.
Ravenna felt a surge of excitement go through her body when she thought
about the Rave. The dancing was just awesome. She was so lucky for having a
job there. A breeze picked up as Ravenna started to hum a few lines of one
of the frequently played dance numbers... Faint from Linkin Park it was. She
practiced a few dance moves and felt confident.
The Rave was her home now. Not some small house in the suburbs of
California. Not in that house where a mother was worrying about her because
she had gotten a letter from the university that she hadn't taken her January
or June exams. Not the house where she had 2 little sisters looking up at
her for an example. No here she was free. The Rave would never ask anything
of her.
Ravenna stepped a bit faster when she saw the lights of the
neon-advertisements that hung high on the building. Bright green palms under
a white moon with a purple raven flying by...
At the same time, at the front of the
Rave, Reggie, the bouncer and one of the owners of the club was busy keeping
trouble out. Every night the wrong kind of people tried to get in. people
that would get the club -and that meant him too- in trouble.
Suddenly, among all the strange faces he noticed one that looked familiar.
He would recognise that pale face surrounded with black hair anywhere.
"Hello Ravenna!" he said.
"Hello Reggie!" she answered.
People moved aside to let her pas. The looks in their eyes not quite
friendly when they saw this twice blessed girl pass. She was pretty, smart
and apparently successful if she got into the Rave. Reggie knew better.
First of he knew she was working in the Rave as a dancer and second he
always got a sad feeling when he was around her. Nothing he liked, it
cramped his style.
"Ready for tonight?" he asked.
"I'm going all the way tonight." She said with a fast blink of her
right eye.
"Great." Now everyone would want in.
Reggie sighed and let Ravenna pass the line. When she was in he quickly
snapped the cord back in the clip and pushed back anyone trying to follow
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