Keryan Isle             
       -  Distant Star

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The Third Movement

Chapter 16: Chasing Rumours
Arrenji cursed when he heard of the failure of yet another plan. This time all three of his officers had been near the vicinity of the fight, well what was supposed to have been a fight. Both Kuruma and Sekai had been on the ship that had been sent out to seize the runaways and take them back to the palace for proper punishment. In the same time, Barune and his little helper had been stationed around the bay to capture the escapees should they manage to get ashore. This had supposedly been a full proof plan.
"They were washed away during the storm." Kuruma said, "It’s very likely that they are dead."
Sekai nodded, "We were sheltered in the bay and even we had to struggle to keep alive."
Barune however shook his head and said: "Thekardien spotted a water nymph on their boat. We won’t get rid of them so easily. No, most likely the storm helped them vanish without a trace from our watching eyes."
"Water nymphs don’t exist." Sekai huffed, "That brad believes in fairytales."
"Quiet." Arrenji barked, "A nymph. It might be possible in the depths of the forest. Did the boy see her before, maybe even capture her name?"
Thekardien, who had taken his place behind Barune, shook his head and whispered, "She sensed me whenever I got close and disappeared before i could take a good look at her. But I did see her! She was all green and scaly."
"You did your best." Barune padded the boy’s shoulder with much more care than Arrenji would have expected from him. This didn’t feel like a ploy to just deceive him.
"If this is in fact true, then it is no wonder that our plan failed. They had inside information and thus an advantage, but that doesn’t help much to determine where they are now."
"We will send out messengers to our allies and spies." Kuruma suggested.
"Good, do that." Arrenji nodded.
"Barune i’d like to speak with you a bit more."
Arrenji made a daring decision, one he might regret, but one he couldn’t avoid making anyway.
"I suspect they’re still at some shore, most likely not too far from the place the started from. Do you know of any spiritual places along that route? They’d avoid towns because of the people, but might try to find sanctuary, especially with a nymph."
Barune nodded, not in the least bit surprised of the sudden trust he enjoyed from his master, "I do know of one place. A small bay that has a shrine and oracle for the Sea Godess Atalence. Not many people have worshipped her recently and fewer still have asked for her advice with the import of better weather prediction devices, but the oracle is still there."
"I suggest we set sail there as soon as possible."
"Lord?" Barune asked.
"We better take everyone with us. They might prove useful even if they aren’t very loyal."
"That’s very bold of you." Arrenji said, "But I was already planning this." He sighed, "I always end up taking them..."

End of the Third Movement
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