Keryan Isle             
       -  Distant Star

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The Third Movement

Chapter 14: Twist of Fate
Lord Arrenji’s ship appeared at the edge of the horizon, turning inward as if to meet them in the shallow bay. However, the intentions of the large ship were all too clear when large metal balls started falling in the water around them and loud voices were heard yelling.
"It’s an attack!" Tokei yelled.
"Everybody get ready to a rough travel." Jonayk said, "The girls might better go down, you too Sezanee."
"No, everyone stays above deck." Sezanee answered, "It is necessary."
"But they might get hurt." Tokei answered appalled by the idea.
"It’s no use, when Sezanee says something you better follow her words." Jonayk said.
"This is most likely why she wanted to come in the first place." Wernyv added, "She is a very great companion if you need somebody to place your trust in."
"If you would be so kind to follow my orders." Sezanee said, "We have no time to lose. Jonayk, make for the far West shore."
"It’s awfully shallow there. We’re pulling extra weight."
"Doesn’t matter, the ship won’t make it anyway. But we need to get as close as possible to that opening."
"Open sea will only get us more in trouble." Renoud tried, "Sharks, Deadly undercurrents and not too mention a fast ship tailing us."
"They won’t be able to follow us in the storm."
"There’s a storm coming?" Tokei looked at the sky in wonder. He had heard old folktales about nymphs and other dryads being able to tell the weather and even influence it a bit, but to predict a storm with this bright blue cloudless sky seemed a lot like deadly optimism.
Still, Jonayk dutifully drew the rudder East and the ship turned West, away from the larger ship, sending them on a dangerous crash collision with the rocky shore.
Arrenji’s ship saw their move and reacted just a few parts of a second later than they would have if they’d have foreseen the drastic manoeuvre. It was with a hair’s width that the bough of the war-vessle missed the hull of the small fishing boat and fell victim to the rocks.
"Do we still have time to turn the ship away from crashing? I’d rather not lose her."
"No, I’m sorry jonayk, we really need to get to that opening."
"A pity, but as you say."
Jonayk closed his eyes and heard the hull of his ship first scrape, then smash open on the jagged rocks. With a quivering sensation they slowed down, but then pulled free again, sloshing and nearly sinking as they went on.
Men from the war vessle had left their sinking ship and were now setting course to their slowly drifting boat as it made a whole lot of water. With their current speed, they’d be entered in no time. There was little chance that the 8 of them could stop the 50 odd warriors that were aiming to meet them. If they got on, everyone would die or in the best scenario get caught to live another day in fear for execution.
"Look at the sky my friends." Sezanee said triumphantly.
Everyone looked up to see dark clouds rushing inland from the sea. The air and waters turned indigo, then purple and finally black as if it were night. Lightning flashed, thunder rolled as a howling wind made the hair on their arms and in their necks rise from a sudden chill.
"Grab hold of each other and don’t let go!" The nymph called, "We need to stay together."
"What will happen?"
"The future isn’t mine to tell, but maybe now I can make aan exception. We’ll end up in the one place that will give us freedom to find allies strong enough to help us in your quest. Trust my words and find strength in them. The ride will be bumpy and I can only do so much to shelter us from it without interfering with the currents that we need to get at our destination."
With frightened looks, the 7 humans gathered close around Sezanee, grabbing each other’s arms, hands and waists in aan effort to form something that would prove stable enough to withstand a storm. Taking in a deep last breath when Sezanee told them, a wave, towering metres above them swept over them and pulled them under and out of the bay...

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