Reptilians: Grash

Name: Grash
Nickname: "Captain"
Age: Still Youngish Adult
Gender: Male
Homeland: Widou
Training: Engineering, Space navigation


Grash is a gruff sort of person. He is sturdily built with a broad neck and shoulders and a short stature. His scaly hide ranges from beige to army green and is cool to the touch. He has a short, stout tail that has some strentgh but isn't agile and thus can't do much damage. It does aid in keeping his balance.
Grash has some years of experience under his belt and has no problem giving orders or giving punishment if his orders aren't followed. A well-disciplined crew means less chances of disaster when problems occur.
Advantages: taste the air with his forked tongue, heat resistance.


Name: Nebzy
Type: Magical Snek
Colour: Yellow Splatter
Information: Cold-blooded and scaled like real snakes, they appreciate warm places, tend to live quite a long time, and tend to have "their people" if they're pets and everyone else beware they're not venomous or technically constrictors, but they can exert more strength than expected due to short bursts of enhancement magic. The head appendage is a soft and flexible, has no scales and a small amount of conscious movement control on the critter's part -- can't really carry anything, but can grasp / feel with / etc, sort of feels like velvet to the touch. They have generally flit-level intelligence, have a minor magical ability that lets them do small / short term things (like fireballs the size of a lighter flame, etc).
From: Clan Akelara


Departure and Getting Sidetracked
Time passed slowly at Erizon as the crew of the WiRSS5-23 repaired their ship. There was little to do on the planet but the absence of large predators was a definite plus. The locals seemed to hint at a mysterious presence in the woods though, so Grash, Blad and Schub had steered clear of it.
Getting the necessary parts delivered to Erizon had proved to be impossible, unless they'd been willing to wait for half a decade since they'd need to be dispatched from halfway across the galaxy. The people at the company however had given them coordinates to a nearby space station that likely carried the necessary parts.  The Refugium it was called, orbiting a planet called Zar. Supposedly it had some incredible deals on lodgings and it had several biodomes that replicated different terrains. And it basically was their only option. So, the Refugium looked about as wonderful as food to a starving man. 
Their journey there was uneventful though stressing as the WiRSS5-23 creaked and groaned under the abuse. She was really overdue for a big tune-up. Grash felt a stab in his heart for each pained shriek the ship gave. Schub didn't fare much better as he often looked over his shoulder, wondering about cracks and the effect of what would happen if the hull should breech. Blad tried to stay as sober as possible and chose to ignore the others' behaviour. He just prayed the ship would hold.
And hold she did. Finally the WiRSS5-23 reached the Refugium and as they explained their situation she was allowed to dock quickly. As the three reptilian humanoids disembarked, Nebzy, Grash' pet that usually stayed on the ship, flew out ahead of them and seemed intent on exploring. The little yellow-cream spotted Snek was usually pretty disinterested in the places they visited but maybe even she had noticed the dire situation they'd faced on the way here and felt like she needed to egt out. Or maybe she just smelled all the delicious smells and saw all the breathtaking sights. Lights, dozens of people, all different species, races and genders. 
After a minute or so of walking they were being processed by the visitor's center, given a place to stay and let out into the main city. They were milling on the streets, unsure of what to do when they were approached by a sparkly white, violet-marked, winged and furred dragon.
"Goodday gentlemen." she said, "Might I presume you are from Widou?"
"Yes we are." Blad answered truthfully, "Not many people know of our world."
"I like to travel, " the dragoness confessed, "My name is L'ledax."
"Nice to meet you." Schub said. 
The three introduced themselves and listened as L'ledax told them stories of her adventures when she'd visited their planet. The dragoness had a remarkable way of portraying their home in such a way that they started to feel a little homesick.
"Oh, I think you might want to visit some of the biodomes. An Udraku clutch is currently there and they would be looking for bonders who can handle a more humid environment."
Grash looked a bit hesitant, "Or earthy." L'ledax added.
"We should check it out!" Schub said enthusiastically.
"They might ask you a few questions too but don't let that deter you. I think you would have a good chance and I've been known to be right a lot about these things." the dragoness winked and sent them on their way. 


Many had come to see her eggs, people from worlds beyond Atefes' imagination. Each of them had been inspected with patience and deliberation, scrutinized until they squirmed and sweat beneath the mighty shadow of the female udraku. Many of them passed. Many others didn't, and she drove them from the egg mounds with billows of fiery smoke. The other udraku kept watch outside the ring of egg mounds, hidden in the deep swamps until only their bright eyes peered out of the gloom.
Her eggs were safe. They were protected. There would be no thieving here. 
And so they remained waiting until the eggs were ready and the great shapes of other udraku rose out of the muck and encircled the mounds, crooning back to the chirps of the hatchlings. The young would still have to dig their way free, a testament to their strength, but they were surrounded by the encouraging song of adults. Stragglers would be helped, but for now, the children muscles their own way into the world. Atefes scanned the swamp in search of one of those alien figures and urged them to contact the authorities. 
Moments later the swamp swarmed with aliens, keeping a cautious distance from the egg mounds encircled by the udraku. 
Atefes stood above the peat mound, her massive wings spread to shield the sight of her children digging free. Crackling yellow smoke billowed from her mouth as she rumbled the arrival of her brood.
A striking brown male clambered from the nest. Ignoring the excitement around him, he waddled the perimeter of the candidates, his shock of blue eyes piercing through the options as he went. Hands that strayed too near to him were met with snaps of his little jaws. There was only one person here for him... 
:: Grash. ::
Hearing his name, the small reptilian shouldered his way through the crowd. "Sbinzi??"
:: Yes, that's me. :: Sbinzi closed the distance, churring contentment now, and nuzzled his chin against Grash's stout legs. :: Let's eat and then I'd really like to see your ship. ::

Grash bonded at the Refugium

Name: Sbinzi
Gender: Male
Color: Brown
Hatchling Length: 1'4"
Adult Height: 15' at shoulder
Abilities: Telepathy, Verbal Speech, Breath Weapon: Light, Breath Weapon: Smoke
Sbinzi likes to consider himself a worthy second to his bond and captain Grash. He's a strict, no-nonsense fellow that is largely impersonal toward anyone but Grash. He keeps his impulses under-wraps, presenting himself as stoic and serious. Despite his cold exterior, Sbinzi adores travelling and the chance to explore distant realms. He doesn't like to show his excitement when Grash and crew land on a new planet, but Sbinzi is a secret thrill-seeker, always looking for new experiences.


The WiRSS5-23 had been repaired and Grash had ordered the rwo others of the crew to pack up so they could disembark once more. Life at the Refugium was comfy, but living a life of luxury would only make them weak. He'd had no difficulty locating a job they could do.
Though their first run would be a short trip, it had only taken a few days for frustration and boredom to drive Bhele into nervous pacing around the ship. With the added bulk of the growing udraku, the ship felt smaller and more cramped.
:: I want to get out.:: Bhele growled.
:: Though luck. :: Sbinzi answered her before Grash could. The brown udraku felt it was his duty to help keep the others in order. After all they were his clutchmates.
Zandlethi didn't quite see the hierarchy in the same way and bristled at the show of dominance.
:: Who died and made you boss? ::
Grash had his sneck fire a couple of small energy bolts. Though they didn't hurt much, they did get the dragons' attention.
"I'll be the one to determine what happens."
"Do we have time for a stop on a nearby planet?" Schub asked, feeling Bhele's frustration keenly.
Grash considered and finally figured some fresh air and room to expend energy would help them all.
"Alright, we'll make a short stop but then we'll be on our way again."
"Like last time." Blad mumbled, recalling how bad their last pit-stop had gone, although truth be told that hadn't been Grash' fault so Blad wisely kept his mouth shut and urged Zandlethi to keep from biting Sbinzi the moment he turned his back.
:: Thanks Schub. :: Bhele crooned, nuzzling her bond, :: You are the best ::


Gloed - Genster - Grash - Blad - Schub

Credits: all background images and reptilian pictures found with google.