Mind Pairing Record 12
Life at Acicade was going on as usual. Food was cultivated and gathered, hunters, fishers and herders did their daily work to provide the castle with food. Craftsman builded, created and repaired while others cleaned and cared. Knights and draks trained. And from the shadows people were watching. Aruno knew his team had been observed by not one, not two but three ninja-aspirants who were currently waiting for the mind pairing. The head ninja had let the high prince and princess know but so far the newcomers were playing nice. Kaitlin Sasaki, the eldest aspirant in this set, had clearly seen a lot - even with only one eye remaining - and she'd been quite helpful. Her kin Zaniro was a bit more rambunctious, although that could be due to the young man having to rear a few pairs of loud teryx. Last of the ninja aspirants was Larn, a clever man who could hide in a crowd but curiously seemed to avoid fights. The two remaining aspirants were less of a risk to Aruno but when he'd last visited Kharone she'd asked him to keep an eye on them just the same. Romilda was an aloof young woman who was still seeking her place in the world and Guardia was a local who'd landed herself in some trouble over the years.
So Aruno had watched them and kept on observing as they entered the deep cavern where Aiixta would soon present her draklings. Guardia - knowing all the shortcuts - was the first to enter, followed by Zaniro and Romilda. A little bit behind was Larn and Kaitlin entered last, giving Aruno a quiet nod to acknowledge his presence. The five stood front and center while the Acicade residents filtered inside to watch the event.
Aiixta carefully pushed open the doors leading to the deep cavern and walked out, followed by the five draklings she had said would be expected. Her knight Katalyn gave a little gasp as she knew for certain there had only been four eggs. There were twins, but which ones were they? That became evident early on as the lightly coloured forst and the brightly coloured plant drak seemed to move very much in sync.
"Uskta and Uztask are eager to meet you. They would prefer to remain close to each other." Aiixta said.
It wasn't a surprise then when they set their sights on the Yavier Ninja. The female twin, quietly made her way toward Kaitlin, giving her the most sparkling look of hope and adoration: "Pleassed to meet you."
The male twin, was as is to be expected of a plant, a bit more aloof. He tried to show that he was not all that interested, but he could not fully convince the aspirants as his gaze clearly sought out the black-haired, pale ninja Zaniro who smelled interesting and seemed to know what he was going to do.
"What issz that Shmell?" Uztask finally asked, coming closer and taking a good whiff.
"Probably my Teryx." Zaniro answered.
Aiixta looked at her draklings and noticed that her Rain daughter could barely contain herself.
"Off you go, Tiskta." Aiixta encouraged.
The Rain drakling needed no more to make a mad dash toward Guardia, almost toppling the young girl over. In the shadows Aruno chuckled, figuring that their trainer would have their hands full. And he had a clear idea of who that would be.
"Can we make muzic? I can sssing!" the Rain said, demonstrating with little hums.
Two draklings remained unpaired, both males, the Earth and Night seemed to not mind waiting a bit longer, but finally one had to go first and it was the Night that Aiixta finally gave a little nudge.
"Satask looks just like his sire." she introduced him.
The Night drakling took a few steps toward the aspirants. He let his eyes rove across the assembled people, seeming to make certain of who was there. After a decent amount of time, he made a decision and stepped toward Larn.
"I've desided that we will work well."
That left the Earth and Romilda. But there was always a chance that a drakling would go unpaired, or that they would choose someone else. The two looked at each other, sizing each other up. Romilda would not crack but neither would the Earth.
"Jertask." Aiixta introduced her last son, also urging him on.
The drakling looked back for a moment. Breaking eye contact seemed to make the drakling more decisive though and he finally crossed the remaining distance toward Romilda:
"I heard you come from Perigee. What'sss it like over there?"


Clutch12: Bark Aiixta and Night Flirtsask
Romilda and Earth Jertask (m) 19yo, aloof
trainer: Ylleina and Rain Darwysh (knight & transport training)

Larn and Night Satask (m)
trainer: Kharone and Forest Warencha (diplomat training)

Guardia and Rain Tiskta (f)
Mirrim and Ore Yifeel (entertainment/musical training)

Kaitlin Sasaki* and Grove (Forest) Uskta (f)
trainer: Marigan and Earth Kanasu (knight/guard training)

Zaniro Zornhill and Plant Uztask (m)
trainer: Odette and Fire Joaghym (ninja & tracking training)
