Adopted Dragons of Dragon Tears

Ankyla Forest

Arachnida Ice 

Arawn Swamp

Cohuchi Bay

Deadly Mountains
Direnga and [Jenda] - Mate Ghost Kyron

Eiken Forest

Fylaris Mountains

Hoorn Cliffs

Kethoda Isle
Angun and [Kyron]- Mate Black Purple Jenda

Sparen Forest

Veryi Desert

Whispering Plains


Adopted Keltic Spirit Glade Dragons

Mountain Peaks (air)
Aibell and [Aura Boreala]

The Forest (earth)

The Beach (water)
Hana and [Webbed Spider] - Mate Dolphin Tiara

The Volcano (fire)
Bellinus and [Vulcan Reehl]

The Temple (spirit)

The Core (dark)