
image made with Portrait
Name: Souzen
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Half Elf
Magic Affinity: Wind
Artefact: Essence of Wind
Looks: Tall and lanky,
Souzen is trying to catch up to his growth spurt. Despite his height, most
people clearly see that he is still very young. He has straight dark brown
hair, clear blue eyes, a comparatively large nose and mouth and pointy
ears. He doesn't inspire much fear in others as he usually smiles and has
a tendency to fidget.
Personality: Souzen is easily flustered. He is at that age
where he wants to make a name for himself but it a bit too impatient to
let the experience build naturally. As such he is prone to taking on too
much work. His superior priests at the Square of Blue are keeping an eye
on him though. As long as he doesn't go too far over his limits, they'll
leave him be to learn just how far he can go without harming himself.
Skills: When releasing his bottled essence of
wind, he can ask it to do his bidding.
Hobbies: Playing with his wind magic in the forest, rustling
leaves and helping birds fly.
Family: Souzen grew up
in the Sect of Wind Magicians as the fifth child of his parents. He has a
lot of cool older siblings to catch up to and is hoping to be promoted to
monk so he can go travelling. Currently he is still an acolyte and he
needs to travel under supervision or go on short missions from the Sect
Bond: ??? from Nidus Asteri (Empyrean
Pets: None yet but he would definitely like to keep a bird
once he's a bit older.
Lantessama Isle |