
image made with Portrait
Name: Waerdon
Age: 49 (at death)
Gender: Male
Status: Servant (Novo)
Description: Waerdon
is a burly man with broad shoulders and thick thighs. He has dark
blond hair with bushy eyebrows, a moustache and goatee. He has a
wide nose and broody eyes that seem to be able to tell when someone
is lying. Waerdon usually keeps to himself and looks downcast. He is
a very good butler though and almost runs the castle of his master single-handedly.
Personality: Waerdon has been caught and cast in a role
of servitude. His intelligence comes from being alive a long time
and he recognises the danger he is in now. He could flee but would
be found. His employer, Younes, has got a hold of part of his soul's
essence which means he can basically erase him with a single
thought. Waerdon could attempt to steal it back but he would prefer
to take revenge first.
Short Bio: Waerdon grew up a long time ago and was
turned by a roaming vampire about a century ago. Since he stopped
aging, he doesn't keep track of his actual age and just list his age
at time of death. Waerdon roamed for a decades until he was hired by
Younes who quickly got hold of the vampire's weakness and has since
refused to let him go. Waerdon is hoping to overthrow the devil but
must keep his thoughts a secret or risk losing his life. Them
leaving the castle for the first time in years could prove to be the
opportunity he needs.
Pets: Waerdon is
fond of the castle's bats though he wouldn't call them pets. They're
his own spies.
Bond: ??? from Arx Infusco (Niduses
of Aleph)
Lantessama Isle |