Name: Tohiji
Age: 15 (20 when joining the caravan, 24 when
meeting Christo)
Gender: Male
Description: Tohiji has shoulder-length brown hair that he keeps tied
back in a pony tail. He has fair skin, a nose and chin that are a bit too
large for his face and a slight overbite. Unlike the rest of his family,
he's thin and doesn't build muscle easily.
Personality: Tohiji is a quiet but sneaky youth. He's usually
planning to do something or other and he has a lot of dreams and travel
plans for when he's old enough to leave the Cove. His parents are rather
supportive but ask that he wait until he's at least 18 before he leaves to
see the world (and preferably with one of the caravans so he's safe).
Family: Parents Deriaki and Gejuisu,
older sister Kiisha.
Pets: --
The nekrats in the bay that were keeping watch over the
clutch of donated eggs sounded the alert that it was time for the candidates to
hurry to the bay. They'd maybe waited a bit too long with their announcement,
wanting to be sure before disturbing the people on this hot and sultry day.
Though the nekrats weren't inconvenienced much by the weather, the humans were
less than happy with the hot humidity that was plaguing the isle.
From the deeper waters arrived a small blue mer-rukel called Byyla and the long
black and purple-finned sea dragon Maymriekor Dacia or Memory for those with
impaired memories. Byyla was by far the most sunny of the two and she watched
from the waters as the darker, gloomy dragoness shifted into human form to join
Tohiji, the Gremynian human and Ikeng, the dwarf werecat closer to the beach
than her dragon form could take her.
The sky took on that yellow light that announced the coming of a storm and the
wind picked up, lessening the heat but not the oppressive atmosphere. Small
waves could have been signs of hatching or the coming storm. People on the shore
weren't certain how many nekrats had hatched and it took a few minutes more
before the first decided it was time to bond. A few minutes later a second
And then rain began to fall and some people tried to take shelter beneath trees while
others just ventured into the water since they were getting wet anyway. This
made manoeuvring more difficult for the black storm nekrat that had just
hatched. He had sensed an einzelganger and likeminded spirit among the waiting
candidates. When he finally reached him he said:
"Let's get out of here quick, it's getting too crowded."
"Of course, Ulafar, I can't wait to see the world with you."
Because now his parents would have to let him go, right?

His parents had made him wait two more years until Ulafar was considered
mature enough to find his way in the greater nexus. And though it had seemed
like it would be a long wait, in all honesty it hadn't been as long a wait
as he'd feared.
A nervous jitter travelled through Tohiji's body.
"Ready to go?" Ulafar asked.
"Yeah but it's just.... I've been waiting so long for this."
"We'll be fine." Ulafar said confidently.
The storm nekrat would not let his rider down. Together they could take on
the oceans of this world and many more. And for certain they would see them

Story - Intro -
All images found with google
Nekrats impressed at Lantessama
Isle |