image made with Portrait
Name: Zanggors
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Description: A very pale,
even sickly white, young man with raven black hair, a straight nose with
flaring nostrils, and moody grey eyes. Zanggors is slender and clearly has
some pixie blood running in his veins. That same heritage keeps him in
shape because the young man hates physical exercise and prefers to just
not move. He wears comfortable clothes, the colour of his house is
Personality: Zanggors is pretty lazy and easy-going, there is just
little that grabs his attention and he much prefers sleeping, reading and
watching other people do stupid things. Or cats, he does love watching
cats. There's something about such a majestic, prideful creature messing
up that makes him cheer up each time it happens.
Skills: Dust-based magic, mostly illusionary and minor healing.
Hobbies: Sleeping.
Dislikes: Having to get up and do stuff.
Family: Born as one of the
younger children in the Sparrow family, he has little hopes of ever
getting to the top. Zanggors doesn't mind. he's best friends with
Zonastrild just because she enjoys reading in the library and doesn't ask
him to move.
Bond: Arbor Zone & Climate Zonked from the Refugium
Queen Gleam's song echoed through the halls and commlinks of the Refugium
with a joyful note.
Candidates began their quick spill into the hatching bay, ushered by the
Refugium's security teams. They were a haphazard
mix of species, all alien to the Myrmex queen's eyes but
promising. Eggs waited for no one, though. They burst with shrieks
of hunger as the last straggling candidates dawdled in behind the raucous
chorus of food.
As the multiple bonds connected to the queen, it was
obvious to the people of the refugium that these grublings were different
from the previous batch. Gleam's first bond, a little blue-spotted
decay, wound twisty psuedopods around globs of fruit and stared at Gleam
with a set of oil-spot eyes protruding from its tongue. Its anatomy
appeared otherwise normal for a myrmex but only metamorphosis would reveal
any further irregularities. These grubblings were still entirely myrmex,
despite the changes in appearance. These new adaptations would only serve
to strengthen the species.
The Queen watched with pride as the rest of her children
darted toward the waiting candidates.
Zanggors watched as Zonastrild's face twisted
through a cacophony of emotions, having just watched her brother bond
There was excitement, then anger, followed by a touch of worry that she
managed to wrangle away to keep herself presentable.
"Don't worry." Zanggor set a hand on her shoulder. "There's so many of
these things you'll definitely get a bond, too."
:: She is pretty great :: chimed a mild mind-voice.
At Zanggor's feet sat a plump green arbor grubbling, still chewing a piece
of unidentifiable jerky.
:: But you're great too. I'm
and I'm all yours. ::
There was a good deal of hatching and feeding before a second grubbling
approached the pair. Another anomalous white grubbling ambled toward them,
unhurried and self-assured. This one sported warmer tones and flecks of
red, but remained unidentifiable as any of the known myrmex varieties.
:: I hope you don't want us to work too hard ::
said the newcomer.
:: I'm

Name: Zone
Colour: Arbor
Hatchling Height: 1'4"
Personality: respectful, selfless, modest
Abilities: telepathy

Name: Zonked
Colour: Climate
Hatchling Height: 1'8"
Personality: gentle, loyal, affable
Abilities: telepathy
:: What do
you want us to do? :: Zone asked.
The green drone loved their bond unconditionally. But Zanggors mostly left
Zone and Zonked to their own devices. Which meant that Zone, the more
industrious of the two felt it was their job to provide everything their
bond might need. Zonked felt like sleeping close to Zanggors and providing
a pleasant climate would probably serve him best but Zone wasn't so
:: People need food. ::
:: So? You can make plants grow. ::
:: You can help ripen the fruits with your climate
control. :: Zone insisted.
Zonked couldn't argue with that...
:: But then I need to leave and can't keep working
here. ::
By which time Zanggors got fed up with their indecision:
"I know you can grow plants indoors. How about you try that?" he asked.
The two drones celebrated the task and started to prep.

Name: Zone
Colour: Drone
Adult Height: 5'3"
Personality: respectful, selfless, modest
*plant growth: encourages plants
to flourish and ripen

Name: Zonked
Colour: Climate
Caste: Drone
Adult Height: 2'9"
Personality: gentle, loyal, affable
*ambient adjustment:
increase or decrease ambient temperature in a 20 foor radius
*wind control:
control air currents (limited in case of drones)
[STORY] -~-
Lantessama Isle
background from
Fonts used are Showcard Gothic and Lydian