
Name: Anja
Age: 21
Gender: Female (straight)
Style: Freestyle

Description: Anja is a party girl with long dark brown hair she keeps in a loose braid. She has green-grey eyes, a wide nose and a generous mouth. She is an evening person and only comes alive after the sun has set and she can go out to party. Although her dancng style is described as "freestyle" she basically just moves her body to the sound of the music and the way she feels that night. She is a tease and often young men believe they've score a repeat date when she walks out and they never hear from her again.
Studying: Political and Social Sciences (journalism). 
Hobbies: Partying, dancing, drinking.
Skills: All-nighters.

Family: Despite living in the university town of Leuven, Anja still lives in the typical student dorms to get the full experience. Her mother, father and younger brother live at their home and only see Anja on the weekend when most students voyage to their hometowns. 
Hometown: Leuven
Pet: --





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