
Portrait made with
Portrait Works
Name: Jemin
Gender: male
Age: 14
slim and lanky, Jemin has some filling out to do. He'll probably end up
slightly taller than average. He'll never be ripped/bulky but he'll put on
some muscle once his growth spurts have finished. He has curly brown hair
and bright green eyes. He has a straight nose and large mouth that's often
speaking or yelling. His ears stand away from his face which is why he's
starting to grow out his hair.
Personality: Jemin is loud, brazen and he doesn't stop to think
before he acts. He is all those things that are typical of adolescent
boys. When he grows up he'll likely retain some of his forward ways but
it's likely that he'll at least learn a modicum of self-restraint in the
face of danger. Although with his adoration of heroes, he probably will
risk life and limb to save someone from danger.
Family & Community: Jemin grew up in a small village. From the
moment he was old enough to start his studies and chores, he's been
wanting to be someone important. A hero. On Alskyr that translates to
being a dragonrider or gryphoner. He has two parents who work on their
farm, and two older siblings who probably doted a little too much on their
youngest sibling.
Pets: - (much to his dismay).
Jemin hurried to the village square where the gryphoner
had landed. His heart was beating heavily in his chest and his mouth was
dry. Because this was his chance. He'd always wanted to go to one of the
caers or aeries. Maybe a cove would have done as well though truth be told
he preferred the skies to the seas. Jemin had climbed many trees, trying
to get closer to that large expanse of emptiness. It was freedom but also
duty. Both things he was yearnign for. To be free and to be needed.
Arriving at the square he was nervous to see that many others had beaten
him to it. The gryponer was talking to the village elders while his beast
surveyed the gathering crowd. Jemin wondered if the sparkle of interest
was just his wishful thinking. But maybe it ha been there. Perking up a
bit, he wriggled closer to where the gryphon was.
"I was dispatched here to announce that a clutch of gryphon eggs is
available in Haven Aerie. Any who wish to try to bond can come to me."
Excited shouts and a lot of the younger folk hastily formed a line. Jemin
was about third in the line. He shuffled closer nervously and worked hard
not to close his eyes when the gryphon got close to him.
"You're good to come as long as you get permission from your parents."
Jemin nearly choked at the words. He'd done it. He'd become a gryphoner!
His parents would let him go. At least he hoped they would.
His parents had
agreed but only if a chaperone went with him. This stung. Jemin wasn't a
toddler. he was nearly full grown. He could take care of himself. He'd
complained and begged but his mother would not budge on the matter;
"The elders will ask someone of the village to go with you. And then my
heart will be at ease because I know you won't be alone."
"There's over a hundred gryphoners, I doubt I'd be able to go to the
bathroom in private." Jemin had replied.
"You'll be happy to have them." his mother had insisted and then it was
Only the elders had asked Farida to go with him.
As far as people went she was a stick-in-the mud. Drab and serious. No way
would he get to have any fun. But then she wouldn't be able to keep her
eyes on his all the time.
Which is how he
managed to get a flitter egg. The alis gryph rooms were open to any who
visited and eggs were distributed to those who wanted them. As a
prospective bonder he wouldn't be turned away. Having a pet would also be
great practice. So a couple of days after they'd arrived, Jemin had snuck
out of his rooms. He'd been given a small white egg with a couple of
freckles. He could feel the alis gryph inside move.
"What are you doing!?" Farida had called when she found him, "Go take it
When he'd refused, she'd taken the egg from him. And of course it'd
hatched and bonded her. She'd had him sit through the care lecture with
her, which was not entirely logical as she'd banned him from getting
another egg anyway. But tuning out the voice of the caretaker was not all
that difficult. Plotting another attempt was all the more tempting.
Two weeks Jemin
waited. Farida had been watching him like a hawk, which Jemin figured
would probably be the type of Gryphon she'd bond since she was so good at
it. But then she'd been called out to talk with one of the trainers. His
chance had arrived and he once more made his way to the alis gryph rooms.
Inside, another future gryphoner was inquiring about the eggs. The young
man was tall and dark-skinned but his voice was soft and he quickly made
room for Jemin to come stand closer. They were each given one egg. This
time Jemin decided to stay inside. Even if he'd be subjected to the
lecture again it was to be preferred over the risk of being found again.
Alas calamity struck once more. Jemin jumped up when the egg in his hands
started to crack. But he lost his balance and crashed into
Kane who took a tumble with him. Both eggs ended up
hatching and both alis gryphs stared right into the big guy's eyes. Jemin
could cry but he managed to keep the tears inside. There were no more eggs
available so the caretaker instructed him to return at a later date.
Heartbroken, Jemin returned to his rooms.
His mood didn't
improve over the next weeks as both Farida and Kane managed to bond and
he'd been left standing not once but twice. His prospects of becoming a
hero seemed to be dwindling. No matter how many times Farida told him he
was still so very young - a fact which stung - and he'd bond in one of the
next clutches, Jemin was losing hope of it happening. He'd give it one
last go before he'd return home.
But as is often the case: good
things come to those who wait - or those who gripe and whine. Jemin wasn't
allowed pets, but there was nothing that kept him from standing for actual
clutches. Jemin had failed to bond at two prior ones, but he was young
enough to be able to try for years. The Aerie was his best bet at
fulfilling his heroic dream. It didn't hurt that - aside from Farida
keeping an eye on him - he could pretty much do what he wanted as long as
he showed up for the mandatory lessons.
It was at the fourth hatching that Jemin's luck turned. Few people had
shown interest in the clutch as the eggs had been small. Most people
figured they were duds. But Jemin never even considered not showing up.
While surprised cries and excited whispers filled the area, Jemin looked
at the small gryphs that hatched from the eggs. Part water-bird, part
feline but without a doubt full-blooded gryphs and with enough personality
to convince anyone of that fact. With wide eyes he watched as a
white-beige kit with darker wings and subtle stripes approached. His eyes
were accented by a brown circle, giving him a wild and dangerous look.
"Do you want me?" Jemin asked.
"Yes!" the gryphon squawked,
"Call me Niles!"

Niles hatched at
Haven Aerie, part of
Sanctuary Isle
Name: Niles
Gender: Male
Species: Alskyrian Gryphon (Goose + generic Feline)
Parents: Unknown
Size: 3'-4' at the shoulder
Colour: White-Brown with Double Dilute Cream
Pattern: Banded-Striped
Personality: Chaos Goblin. Sneaky, Curious and somehow able to find
himself at the center of anything happening.
*Verbal Speech
*Elemental Psionics
??? hatched at
Haven Aerie, part of
Sanctuary Isle
Lineart by
Shade/Colouring by Nomi
Name: -
Gender: -
Species: Alskyrian Gryphon
Parents: Unknown
Description: -
Size: -
Colour: -
Pattern: -
Personality: -
*Verbal Speech
*Elemental Magic
Isle - The World
of Alskyr
Background from