"Victory ahead!"
Vyrusa screamed to Bascil as she turned
away from the control-panel.
"Really? Is she about to give up?"
Bascil asked.
very much. She has gone through an endless amount of handkerchiefs and
vicks breath mints. She will give up."
"I have learned never to underestimate humans....they tend to get
"Bah, we get better every year aswell. That evens the odds."
"True, how many of our children have left the vessel already?"
"1,325,698,987 by now."
"We will be leaving soon anyway."
"Yes, but there is something addicting in weakening humans."
Vyrusa stood up and left the control-area
of the ship. They were hiding in a rogue cell and hadn't been discovered
yet, and if it was up to Bascil, none would find them. Bascil was chief
of Defence in their little co-op, while she was the mastermind. She had
been the one that had suggested they could team up. And he had willingly
come along. It was highly unlikely for a virus and a bacil to work
together, but it wasn't unheard of. But their long term relationship was
new. They had been together for 8 years now, changing into different
form every year.
Suddenly the ship rocked. Vyrusa was almost knocked down. This greatly
annoyed her and she demanded in high voice to know what the meaning of
this manoeuvre was.
"We’ve been found."
Bascil answered
"How can that be? We’ve been very
"Yes, but this human apparently grew paranoid on us and made up a whole
lot of white blood cells in the silent time we’ve been having."
"Drats! Can we get away?"
"I’m trying, but I'll need your expertise in vascular biology. I’m a
little rusty."
Vyrusia jumped back into her seat near
the control-panel and manically started to push buttons. The little
rogue cell drifted off in the bloodstream and wreaked havoc along the
way, making it very hard for the white blood cells to follow.
But there were so many of the little pale cells that the rogue cell
eventually was cornered. Vyrusa looked a bit frightened at Bascil.
"It was an honour of working with ..."
She started.
"I can’t believe you’d think I have
nothing planned for a situation like this!"
"So there is a way out?" She dared to
"Yes, but it is a one way deal. I’ll
have to push the red button."
Vyrusa sighed.
"You’ve been going on about that red
button since I met you. What does it do?"
"It will eject us from the body, by
warping. However, when we do this, we will be altered, how it will work
or to what, I don’t know...."
"Well, don’t sit there, hit it! It will be better than being digested!"
"True. Sayonara."
Bascil said as he pressed the red button.
Bascil opened his eyes. He looked around and
didn’t understand quite what had happened. He felt all funny. He tried
to move himself, but it didn’t work like before.
He said.
Then: "Vyrusa, how come I sound weird?"
"Because you are!" Her reply came back.
"You aren’t you anymore. And by the
sound of it, neither am I."
"That must be the side-effects of pushing that button."
"You better not have killed us!" Vyrusa
"Now I clearly remember you stating
anything was better than getting digested."
"Yes, but that was then, this is now."
He groaned and worked himself up. He had some instincts about how to
move himself, but he didn’t know how he knew that....it was so unlike
moving before. Bascil looked down and nearly choked as he saw legs. He
had only seen them while the team was flying outside hosts.
Vyrusa noticed his distress and asked: "Now what? I can’t get up, so I
can’t see a thing!"
"I have legs! And arms...and...."
He stuttered as he inspected himself "I
think I’m human now!"
"No way! Let me see!!"
Bascil got up and clumsily walked over to Vyrusa.
"You aren't your normal self anymore
either. You look quite human to me too. We seem to have kept our colours
though." He motioned to her bluish
skin and his green complexion.
"I’ll help you up."
He took her arms and managed to get her up.
"Don’t you feel like you know how to
move? I did."
"Maybe." She swayed a bit on her feet
and then stood upright. "Ah yes!"
"Let’s describe each other to see hat
has changed...I can’t see all of me. I think we know enough about humans
to do that."
"Ok, I see a man who is bigger than me, which is unfair, because I used
to be the biggest. You have the same green colour and black fur on your
head. Weird. I wonder what all these things do."
She said while looking down on her body.
"I wouldn’t know, but we’ll find out
soon enough. Ok, I see a girl, a young one as far as I can judge, with a
pale blue skin and red fur..."
"K, now that we have established that, what do we do now?"
"Well, you remember when I said warp out? I don’t know where we are. We
could be anywhere."
After a good hour of walking
through strange surroundings they got to a high tower.
"Weird" Vyrusa said. "I wonder who lives
here, it's so big."
"Well, someone does, so we might ask for
They knocked on the door and waited....and waited....and waited. Finally
the door opened and a man came out.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, but
we've been busy with the clutch. You aren't from around here, I can see
that. Well, we'll take good care of you, just tell us what you need."
"Some water and food would be nice."
Bascil said.
"Simple, I like that!" the man said "All
our candidates are treated with respect, no matter where they come
"Candidates for what?"
"The apocalypse clutch naturally! We've been searching high and low on
every possible planet for candidates for it. You mean you aren't here
for the clutch?"
"Well, we might stay for it, we are a bit lost right now and at a new
"I like that, a new beginning and the end of all history."
"Sure, I'll give you guys a tour and then you decide if you stay on."
Of course they did.
 Bascil and Vyrusa
impressed at The Apocalypse Clutch of Cy
Visit Red Amoeba Tuberculosith and Brown Amoeba Tetnus as
Hatchlings or as