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Name: Subtle Melody
Age: 114
Gender: Female
Description: Melody is a stylish elf with a pale skin and dark wavy
hair that she meshes with pink. She has large eyes and long eyelashes, a
straight nose and pointy ears. Melody is of average height and build for
an elf. She enjoys wearing different textures in her clothing (fur,
feather, shells,...)
Personality: Melody is the high knight of culture and she will live
up to her name. She is an artist, social butterfly and general busybody.
She will keep herself busy interrogating people on what they lack or want
for and will try to establish a rich environment that will help heal the
soul and soothe the spirit.
Family/Bio: Youngest daughter of an elven couple that is not all
that amorous. They are supportive of their children but at their age, they
can fend for themselves. Melody paired her drak-hybrid some years ago and
was an easy choice to join the expedition to establish WindChill. They are
an easygoing pair who like to tease each other (and others) but not to the
extent of being mean. Both of them want people to be happy and
Pets: --
Bond: Day Daridawda Ventul (f) from Dragon
Personality: Optimistic, cheerful and energetic, Daridawda supports
her rider unerringly.
Abilities: Flight | Telepathy |
Teleportation | Verbal Speech | Breath Weapon - Acid Spray | Healing Magic
| Telekinesis
Species: 1/4th Drak, 1/4th Mirus, traces of Makana Asandus, Lvarian,
Ryshathian & Senaerren lineage
Parents: Mehada
Ventul x Z'mariaaw
ty Miashaw Alamyr
Dariawda and Subtle Melody are High
Knights of the Forst Armada and in charge of culture
Mate: --
Intro - Lantessama
Background from Deaimon Anime