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Age: 32
Gender: Female
Description: Always looking a bit worse for wear, Noelie looks more feeble than she is. With her slender figure (she forgets to eat) and her hazy look (too much candlelight will do that) people often don't think she is a knight.
Personality: Noelie lives for knowledge. She wants to know everything. Time and her physical limitations often get the best of her and she needs to be taken away to rest and eat. 
Short Bio: Noelie has always been a precocious bookwurm. After she'd learned everything the Castle and it's teachers could offer, she started to advance on her own. It's likely she'll never stop. Noelie paired by chance, she stumbled in to the deep cavern one morning after a long study sessions and got picked by Voeshhi.
Armada & Function:


Gender: Male
Species: Icarian Drak
Colour: Ore
OriginWilgen Castle
Personality: Loves to test and experiment, very focused.
Life Mate: Forest Jovti

Background and Images made by Trix.
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