around the backside of the Castle, you find a secluded spot with lots of
rubble and debris. Peculiar creatures, about six inch in size, are sunning
on the rocks. When you get closer, they open their eyes and a pungent smell
permeates the air.
"Careful there!" a black-haired man says as he approaches you.
"Hi, my name is Ozzie and I'm in charge of keeping the Visus happy and out
of the way."
"Visus?" you ask.
"They're somewhere between a bird and a faerie drak. They definitely act
more like birds though they lack feathers. They can be quite friendly to
their owners but when they get scared they secrete a venom that smells
terrible. If you'd like one, I can show you to the eggs. They imprint on the
first creature they see but it's not an actual mindpairing. If you don't
treat them right they can and will leave."
One of the Visus flies up to Ozzie and cuddles his neck. In response Ozzie
gives the visus a treat and the retilian bird scurries off to feast.
"How about, it, want to try get one for yourself?"
Castle DesCas MAIN