"Stylishly decorated, and the
finest sand on Icarus is gathered here for our eggs." Raf says very
You feel the sand and have to admit that it feels very good to the skin.
"We have to give the best for our eggs here." Raf added.
Xander leaned against a wall in the shadows. You can feel his eyes
burning on your back. But you instantly forget when a bright day drak enters
the room.
"Welcome!" The drak bowed and walked past you to his bond Xander.
"Xander. Do you know where Nelladuar is?"
"No I don't. Did something happen?"
"Well... I accidently told her that ssshe was pretty."
"Oh no.." Xander said and he looked to his life mate. If there was
one thing that you shouldn't say is that the other one is pretty. That would
just be your death. Especially now when Nelladuar was with eggs.
"Why don't you give her some flowers? Or perhaps a fly around Icarus by
"That's a good idea." Chrischisen said as he walked away again.
And when the day drak was gone, you feel the pearcing again.
"My rain drak Nelladuar will have our first clutch here. She is around
here somewhere. She's very fragile.." Raf went on babeling.
Sighing, you walk away slowly from Raf and to Xander.
"Will he shut up when I enter?"
"Probably.." Xander grinned. That was the first time he had smiled
from the moment you arived until now. He has a nice smile with wich you
smile with.
"Our first eggs!" Raf almost swooned
as he saw the 5 little eggs under Nelladuar's wing. "When will they be
ready?" He asked his rain.
"Too soon.." The rain said, nuzzling her eggs softly. A soft tud sounded
in the dark, warm and fuzzy decorated deep caverns. Raf turned around
and saw Xander and Chrischisen entering. The day drak softly nuzzled his
mate, laying himself next to his partner and the eggs. Xander stood
closely next to Raf.
"How many eggs are there?"
"5" Raf almost purred.
Xander smiled, gently leading Raf away from the two draks.
The days passed, making Raf more and
more like a pregnant woman. The aspirants came, and all waited eagerly
till it was time for the little eggs to reveal their treasure.
It was a warm, gentle night when Raf woke up Xander. He softly whispered,
through the puffs: "We're having our babies!" Xander, still half asleep,
moaned and turned on his other side. "You have said that for the past 6
days. The draks will wake us when it really is time." His words hadn't
turned cold, when both rain and day drak woke up the whole castle. "Oh
well, there you have it. It's time." Xander smiled, turning to his mate,
but he was already gone.
When Xander joined the two draks and
Raf, the rest of the castle was gathering on the main landing sight.
"Are all 5 eggs hatched?" Xander asked as he counted the little
drak-heads. It was too dark to see the colours. Xander was a little
nervous when the 4 of them entered into the light. They all strode to
the side, leaving everybody to look at the enterance of the deep caverns.
Finally something sturred in the shadows.
The 5 aspirants were all leaning
forward as the first drakling came into the light. It was a day drak as
his father. The little day went streight towards Rohn, the youngest of
the bunch. He gave a slimey lick in Rohn's face, revealing his
sharp teeth as he smiled at his new bond. "Upsbenar!" Nelladuar called.
The little day drak hid himself behind Rohn. Rohn smiled, showing his
dimples. He gently guided the drak away from the warl sands.
As they left, the next drak entered
the lights. This time it was a plant drak. It showed his green colours
towards the croud, spreading it's wings. "Feniaren, choose you're
aspirant" His mother said sternly. The plant drak glared at them, going
slowly over the remaning aspirants. He rested his eyes on Benn.
Benn looked at him, crossing his arms. The drak sat down, in the centre
of the main cavern. "Fine." Benn said, "Let's go." He nodded towards the
foodstand. Feniaren said: "Shhure."
Next up was a Desert drak. The drak
gently walked towards Juri. "Hi!" It said.
"Hello." Juri said, patting the drak on his flank.
"Will you stay long enough for my training?"
"Of course! I don't think i'll get bored with you around." He winked at
the little drak. As they left the grounds, Nelladuar said his name: "Woovaren"
The last two draks came out of the shadows together, it was a water drak
and a mud drak. Both of them looked at the remaning aspirants. The
desert drak walked slowly towards Kerun. The little drak wrapped
his tail around him saying: "I'll protect you when you're getting the
"Thanks" Kerun smiled, hugging the little drak. Nelladuar called out the
desert's name: "Jushiaren."
The water drak was the last to stand
on the warm sands. It softly whispered: "I saw you from the start. It
didn't mater that my brothers and sister were first to go. I knew you
would be mine." It softly placed her head on Ruth's hands. Ruth
gently stroke the little draks fur.
"It was all so beautifull" Xander
sighed as they were cleaning up the shells. Raf sighed happily. "It was,
wasn't it."

Rohn and Day Upsbenar (f) - Trained by Wim
and Mud Fregiki

Benn and Plant Feniaren (m) - Trained by
Gunnar and Desert Phakios

Ruth and water Qiklenar (f) -
Trained by Hael
and Night Luïkios

Juri and Desert Woovaren (m) -
Trained by
Corilyn and Rain Meyanal

Kerun and mud Jushiaren (m) -
Trained by Xaedan
and Fire Reenkios
Deep Caverns