The Second Mind Pairing

This story takes place on one of the colder days on Chindor Isle. In the Deep Cavern lies a small clutch of 3 eggs. The proud mother made soothing sounds for her eggs that were showing soft cracks. Einaki had already shooed out Ustos, the father of this clutch, and both riders. She wanted to do this all alone. How long could a mother really spend with her little children?
It was already late in the afternoon when Einaki finally came out of the deep caverns and onto the main court. 3 aspirants were waiting impatiently. Two males and one female. Einaki looked at all 3. One had scares over his face, the other were normal (if you could say that) Icarians.
Behind her her 3 little babies followed her, a bit shy, into the now warmer day.
It was a sunny day, and although it was getting close to winter, still warm for this time of the year. The sun lighted everything in the courtyard. The small trees, and the winter flowers hanging down from some of the openings of the castle.
The first baby of Einaki and Ustos stretched lazy before even looking at the aspirants. The girl named Rhaeen looked with irritated eyes, the older boy with the scars was looking rather scared, and the other boy named Quent looked with a smile laying with his mouth.
The first drak was as his father, an Ore. Testing his gold coloured wings, he walked slowly with much attention of how he looked at Quent.
"I think I’ll pick you." The Ore drak looked at him. "My name isss Ooïlakios."
"And mine is Quent." Grinning, he and his drak left.
The next drak that followed her brother was the happy little forest drak. Skipping, it hopped from one place to the other. She didn’t even fall once. She was rather handy for a newborn drak. Balancing on one paw, the forest drak looked at the girl.
"I can ssssee that you need ssome Madalloski in your life." It chirped happily.
"I believe so Madalloski. My name is Rhaeen."
"As if I didn’t know that." The green drak snorted, and then skipped after her brother.
Only the boy with scars was left alone. But there was still a drak. With his firey wings, it strode forward to Hywll.
"My name is Ijkiosss." The fire drak bowed for.
"And I’m Hywll. Will you be my drak?"
"Who wouldn’t want to be your drak?" The fire drak answered and nuzzled Hywlls cheek. Scratching behind its ear, he looked at Mary and smiled.
Zana had watched her drak carefully while her babies were lieving her. She was taking it rather well. Stepping a bit closer to Joe, she smiled at her drak. When would the next clutch be? That would be fun.

Quent and Ooïlakios are trained by Lloyd (exploration)
Rhaeen and Madalloski are trained by Joe (Head Trainer)
Hywll and Ijkios are trained by Mary (judge)

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