Artifical Intelligent Dragon Egg Nursery
The AIDEN of Kethoda Isle is a lonely cave at the back of the library that can only be reached by a long hike, or by crossing endless hallways and passages (though not everyone is allowed to pass through the private library of Knux de Econa).
Inside the cave lanterns are fixed to the vaulted walls, spreading a dim, but pleasant light on the stones and the mound of pillows in it's center. The eggs are burried in the pillows and are checked thrice a day for life signs and signs of distress of the unborn dragons. Even with all this care, it is unlikely that many eggs survive the first weeks, making ghost clutches smaller than others. 

The AIDEN is void of eggs.
You are free to send in candidates and wait for the next ghost clutch which will take place in the Summer.


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