You walk on a broad pathway that almost seems like it was made by humans. But even if there once lived people in this forest, the edges of the roads are now fuzzy where the forest is crawling back to claim the land that has always been hers. Large trees stand guard all around you, blocking your view of the heavens, but not blocking out the sunlight.
Stopping to enjoy the scent of some wilflowers you wonder if there is magic in this place. A soft breeze picks up and laughter reaches your ears. The sound is gone as soon as you try to listen where it comes from. Imagination, maybe.
A flock of wild peacocks passes, their bright colours lost in the forest as soon as they have crossed the road. Nothing stirs. Not much later you reach a flat stone with arrows on it. The arrow pointing to the left reads AIDEN, the one pointing to the right has a very crude drawing of a peacock on it.

Currently 0 eggs in the Forest