Sarah waited at Kyanos Weyr for
the Wheryton clutch to hatch. It was her first time away from home, her
first time away from her parents and definitely her first time at a Weyr.
The experience was discomforting. She needed to attend Weyrling courses.
But she was not going to bond a dragon. Her usual strategies to get away
from others had proven difficult. She could wander around, but there
usually was someone around, even far away from the main places of work and
life. Maybe others wanted to get some private time but it was grating that
it so interfered with her own need for solitude.
Luckily for Sarah, her wait would be cut short soon. The call to come to
the hatching grounds came at night. Yawning, the candidates headed to the
eggs and Gold Riask, their mother who had tended to them.
Sarah admired the gold Wher as she surveyed the candidates who wanted to
bond with her children. Though not as big as a dragon, the gold wher
looked menacing and powerful. She would not allow any to hurt her
Sarah could get behind that sentiment, but she was still surprised when a
black and green wherling approached her. She had long horns and feathers,
making her seem a bit different from the whers she was used to.
"I'm special." the wher confided,
"I'll call myself Sarask and I'll avenge any who are hurt."
"You're welcome to go with me and do good." Sarah agreed, "Although I
don't know how much avenging Garnett will need."
"You'd be surprised." Sarask sent
back, she knew she'd find those wronged when the time was there.

Name: Sarask
Gender: Female
Species: Wheryton (Cross between a Pernese Wher and a Kynnese
Extra Information: Wherytons have a stocky, wher-like build and
small wings, but also possess some feathering in various places on their
legs, neck, face, and rump. Their hind legs have hooves instead of claws,
and their tails end in feathery-fur. They have a large set of curled,
antler-esque horns. Their feathers can be any color.
Wherytons are omnivorous, capable of eating just about anything, and have
a particular added oddity to their diet thanks to their fae bloodline.
Over time (can widly vary between months or even years), a Wheryton's
shadow will begin to disappear, fading out of existence (despite physics
and light declaring otherwise). When this happens, they will hunger for a
particular emotion/sensation - revenge. (Or justice, depending on your
perspective, but it's the same thing to them.) This hunger will not kill
them, but it does not go away until the Wheryton performs a particular
ritual. They will use their senses to locate an individual that has been
wronged by another - whether directly or indirectly - and if that
individual agrees, the Wheryton will enter a pact with them to hunt down
and bring the offending party to judgement (or execution, if warranted, it
varies by circumstance and individuals). In such a pact, the Wheryton's
abilities are amplified, and they will 'consume' the revenge upon tracking
down the offender, satiating their hunger and reforming their shadow.
(This hunger/ritual/ability is inherited directly from their Peryton sire
and his kin.)
Wherytons are capable of bonding but do not require it, and choose names
like their Wher counterparts (-sk ending related to their bond, or a name
based on natural phenomena and such).

Lantessama Isle